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A robust suite of tools for Ethereum developers to deploy contracts deterministically across chains, enhancing security against front-running and with our CREATE3DEPLOYER proposal.


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2024

Winner of

Arbitrum - Qualifying Arbitrum Submissions

Prize Pool

ETHGlobal - 🏆 Scaling Ethereum Finalist

Project Description

CreateToolBelt is a comprehensive toolkit designed to address several challenges faced by developers during contract deployment on the Ethereum blockchain. Our suite consists of three major components: Create2Deployer, Create2SafeDeployer, and Create3Deployer. The Create2Deployer allows for deterministic contract deployment using the CREATE2 opcode, providing developers with the ability to deploy contracts at predictable addresses. We've enhanced this with Create2SafeDeployer, which incorporates a novel approach to safeguard against front-running by utilizing the first 20 bytes of the salt linked to the msg.sender, ensuring that only the deployer can execute in the intended manner. Finally, the Create3Deployer expands these capabilities across multiple blockchains, allowing deployments at the same address on different chains using just a deployer address and a salt, a groundbreaking step for developers working with interdependent contracts across multiple platforms. Our toolkit is crafted to enhance security, predictability, and inter-chain operability, making blockchain development smoother and more reliable.

How it's Made

CreateToolBelt was built using a combination of cutting-edge technologies and innovative coding practices, primarily centered around the Ethereum blockchain and the use of smart contracts. We developed our tools using the Huff programming language, known for its low-level control over EVM bytecode, which is crucial for implementing precise features like those in our CREATE2 and CREATE3 deployers.

Our project utilizes the determinism of CREATE2 combined with custom security measures to prevent common vulnerabilities such as front-running. By modifying the salt parameter to include sender-specific details, we ensure that deployments are secure and unique to each user, thereby mitigating potential attacks.

Furthermore, we extended these principles into a multi-chain context with our Create3Deployer, which uses similar security enhancements but facilitates contract deployment on multiple blockchains. This was achieved by careful management of bytecode generation and deployment scripts, ensuring compatibility and consistent behavior across different blockchain environments.

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