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Cred-IT is a loan aggregator system for both web3 based lending protocol and traditional banking system


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of

📜 Scroll — Just Deploy!

Project Description

There seems to be a large disconnect in the interoperability between web3 and the other traditional financial sectors, cred-IT aims to bridge this gap especially the accessibility to loans. A lot of people have good credit rating with their banks and these people are new to web3, Cred-IT aims to allow people convert their rating from the traditional banking system to be useful in web3 lending platforms.

How it's Made

Cred-IT was built with smart contract and deployed on scroll. And a aggregator that collects bank api key to get information about the users credit information which is then merged together, also we intend to use world coin protocol for identification this would make sure that people dont cheat the system

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