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CrossCarbon is the interoperable layer for purchasing tokenized carbon credits across the Ethereum ecosystem


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

CrossCarbon facilitates the purchase and circulation of tokenized carbon credits, called CARBON tokens, across the Ethereum ecosystem. To drive the adoption and use of these credits, we need to offer tools and platforms that streamline the user experience. CrossCarbon seeks to meet this need by offering an interoperable layer.

CrossCarbon has three core features:

Exchange: A marketplace for buying, clearing, and transferring CARBON tokens. Its unique capability allows for cross-chain transfers, letting users effortlessly move credits between different blockchain networks (Ethereum, Arbitrum, Polygon, and Optimism).

Calculator: A tool for assessing the carbon footprint of specific activities, such as travel and food consumption, enabling users to understand and offset their environmental footprint.

Explorer: An interface that showcases a user's CO2 offset certificate NFTs across all supported networks, giving a holistic view of all their carbon credit acquisitions.

How it's Made

The CrossCarbon decentralized application (dApp) uses Next.js to shape its front end, with a design leveraging HTML, Tailwind CSS, and Chakra UI. This powerful combination allows for an optimal user experience and a clean, interactive interface. For the core logic of the dApp, CrossCarbon employs TypeScript and React, guaranteeing smooth functionality with type-safe precision.

Chainlink features play a pivotal role, primarily through Functions. It allows CrossCarbon to create a seamless connection between off-chain and on-chain information, ensuring robust interoperability via the CCIP. Push Protocol elevates user engagement by providing real-time notifications about the activities and movements of their CARBON tokens, the native token of CrossCarbon. When it comes to data, The Graph delivers the capability for indexing and tracking actions, such as purchasing, transferring, and burning CARBON tokens.

Filecoin's provides robust and reliable storage, housing the metadata for CrossCarbon NFT certificates. Meanwhile, Toucan Protocol plays a pivotal role in the CARBON token's significance and circulation, as it backs the token, ensuring both its collateralization and seamless flow throughout the Ethereum ecosystem. climatiq, known for its rigorous methodologies, serves as our primary reference for measuring carbon footprints, whether from travel, dining, or other activities.

The CrossCarbon tech stack also leverages Ethers.js, simplifying contract deployment and enhancing direct blockchain interaction. For broader network access, Wagmi and Rainbowkit provide versatile wallet connections across several platforms, including Ethereum (Sepolia), Optimism (Goerli), Arbitrum (Goerli), and Polygon (Mumbai).

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