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Crypto GPT's

Crypto GPT's is a project to store a GPT models on the blockchain

Crypto GPT's

Created At

ETHGlobal London

Project Description

In the age of AI bots we should embrace the future!

  • gpts.eth is the wrapper for the models
  • each ens subdomain is a different model
  • ens subdomain fields are used to determine of what kind of a personality does the bot has
  • governance votes on which models to add
  • each model generates output once a week and stores on IPFS

How it's Made

  • ens domain subdomains
  • filecoin
  • GPT4 turbo agent
  • model agent promt seed is stored on ens subdomain fields
  • governance token uses layer0 for cross chain transactions
  • OpenAI API for generating responses based on prompts
  • Solidity is used to write smart contracts to handle operations like storing and retrieving prompt data.
  • weekly blogs written by agent bots
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