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Gather ingredients, explore, trade, and create new items in this fantasy clicker game. Built with Dojo for transparency. Dive into the magic!


Created At

HackFS 2024

Project Description

Our fantasy clicker game places players in the role of alchemists. Main activities include gathering ingredients, creating potions, and trading with other players. The game is developed using the Dojo Engine and operates on the Starknet chain.

Players have health and stamina. Stamina is required for gathering ingredients and creating new items, with each action consuming one unit of stamina. Sometimes, players may lose health while searching for items. If health drops to zero, players cannot perform any actions.

For the prototype, we created one location for "farming" items and a few items. To farm items, players need to perform a "long" click on the location, which triggers one of two "random events" – the player either finds an alchemy ingredient or falls into a trap and takes damage.

Players can also mix two items to create a new one. If the recipe is incorrect, the items are lost forever; otherwise, a new item is obtained.

Players can list items on the market to trade with others. When listing an item, players can specify the quantity and price of the lot. Other players can purchase the lot, or the seller can remove it from sale.

Currently, these are the implemented features. In the future, we may add PvP mode, more locations and items, and simplified access to the game through Telegram Apps.

How it's Made

The project uses the Dojo Engine to store and track player states, update the game world, and more. All provided Dojo tools were utilized: Torii, Sozo, Slot. To quickly set up the project, we used ready-made solutions from dojo.js, particularly their React.js template. The frontend was written in React.js using the dojo-provider.

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