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Kanban board that integrates sign protocols technology to attest the completion of task, releasing the funds automatically upon completion.


Created At

ETHGlobal Singapore

Winner of

Sign Protocol - Best Consumer Application

Sign Protocol - Best Technical Integration of Schema Hooks

Project Description

Traditionally, freelancers would claim that they have finish the task, however they may not meet the productivity standards or employers would take their time to release payment even when the task was completed on time.

We aim to create a kanban board that integrates sign protocols technology to attest the completion of task, releasing the funds automatically upon completion.

What we built:

  1. Digital Signature Verification - It ensures that task are authenticated, reducing the chances of fraudulent reporting.
  2. Smart Contracts - Once task are submitted, it is automatically approve based on predefined rules on the smart contract
  3. Immutable Records - With blockchain technology, task data becomes tamper-proof, providing a clear audit trail for verification and accountability.
  4. Decentralization - It allows for a more transparent process where all stakeholders can access the same information without relying on a central authority, reducing disputes over task worked.
  5. Employee Empowerment - Employees can track their own task more efficiently, leading to better accountability

How it's Made

The project factory smart contract is created firstly, after that the project contract will be created that has 3 predefined rules: "Todo" on the kanban interface will creating task & assigning it (only manager role), once the task is "Done" the contract will claim task complete and the manager will attest to it. Next an entry will be created in the sign protocol schema and finally a payment hook is create that automatically release the funds for that task.

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