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A movement against the monopolization of truth. By joining D-Trust, you become part of a community dedicated to transparency, accountability, and the collective pursuit of knowledge


Created At

ETHGlobal Singapore

Winner of

Worldcoin - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description


In an era where misinformation spreads faster than facts and censorship stifles diverse voices, the truth has become a contested commodity. Traditional fact-checking mechanisms are often centralized, vulnerable to biases, and limited by geopolitical or financial influences. But what if there was a way to democratize the process of fact-checking, putting the power back into the hands of the people? Enter D-Trust—a decentralized platform leveraging blockchain technology to create a transparent, censorship-resistant environment for validating real-world events and information.

The Problem: Centralized Truth in a Decentralized World

Misinformation and censorship are not just buzzwords; they are critical issues undermining trust in media, governance, and even science. Platforms that control the flow of information can manipulate narratives, suppress dissenting voices, and prioritize profit over the public good. As a result, the public's ability to discern truth from falsehood diminishes, leading to polarized societies and misinformed decisions.

Traditional fact-checking organizations, while essential, often face questions about their impartiality and reach. Their centralized nature makes them susceptible to external pressures and biases, further complicating the quest for a universally accepted truth. The need for a decentralized solution has never been more urgent.

Introducing D-Trust: The Decentralized Fact-Checking Revolution

D-Trust is not just another blockchain project; it's a movement to reclaim the truth. By utilizing blockchain’s inherent transparency, immutability, and decentralized structure, D-Trust offers a platform where anyone can contribute to or challenge information in a structured, transparent, and unbiased manner.

At its core, D-Trust employs a community-driven voting mechanism to validate claims. Each claim—whether it’s about a current event, a public statement, or the status of a real-world asset—is subjected to a decentralized voting process. Participants, incentivized by the system, can vote on the accuracy of information, creating a public consensus that is transparent and verifiable on the blockchain.

How it's Made

This project uses the following tech stack:

  1. ScaffoldEth for bootstrapping a full stack dapp.
  2. Worldcoin to verify that user is a real human as it is imperative to keep the voting process fair & collusion resistant. 3)The smart contract that handles all the main application logic for creating claim bounties, collects votes, verifies claims & distributes bounties is deployed on rootstock network.
  3. Sign protocol is used to attest to claim triggering the verification game based on voting.
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