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A project that enables Web2 business organizations to transition to Web3 business organizations through DAO.


Created At

ETHGlobal Paris

Project Description

This project is for many existing Web2 companies. Many Web2 companies have a strong desire to transition to Web3 companies. To do so, it is necessary to understand how to convert their business logic into DAO. Web2 Enterprise's core business is determined through DAO voting, and other general corporate processes are automatically processed.

So the demo we made is a DAO for Web2 investment companies. The core business critical to the investment business is the selection of investment assets. And other common businesses can be created by automating.

In this project, all members of the DAO select the investment assets they want according to their investment knowledge and prospects. Voting results selected by all DAO members will be used as analytical data for overall decision-making. And the general management process of investment companies is automatically processed and DAO configured to distribute profits to members.

How it's Made

The project focused on building a DAO process based on Ethereum. DAO's voting process and automated process were separated to focus on user convenience. Users only need to proceed with the voting process, and the rest was to apply an automated process to create a DAO with convenient UI/UX. It is divided into a frontend part that explains the DAO project to users and an Ethereum part where users check the voting contents and proceed with voting. The Ethereum part allowed DAO members to submit their opinions through smart contracts. The voting results were developed so that you can see which members voted and how through the DAO fund page transparently.

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