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DelegatedDAO is a cutting-edge blockchain-based project that empowers decentralized decision-making and governance.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🏊‍♀️ Mantle — Build on Mantle

🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

DelegatedDAO is a cutting-edge blockchain-based project that empowers decentralized decision-making and governance through the use of a smart contract-enabled DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization). The primary objective of DelegatedDAO is to create a robust and inclusive governance model where participants can delegate their voting power to trusted representatives, known as delegates.

Our smart contract, built on the Ethereum blockchain, provides a streamlined framework for the management of decentralized organizations. Members can join, propose actions or decisions, and participate in voting processes. Key features include:

Membership Management: DAO members can be added or removed by the DAO manager, ensuring that decision-makers are legitimate participants.

Delegated Voting: Members can delegate their voting power to a trusted delegate, enabling a more efficient and representative decision-making process. Delegates' votes carry the combined weight of their own shares and the shares they've been delegated.

Proposal Submission and Voting: Members can submit proposals, and the community can vote on them, with the outcome determined by the total delegated voting power.

Execution of Proposals: Proposals that pass the voting threshold are automatically executed, fostering transparent and efficient governance.

DelegatedDAO strives to enhance transparency and efficiency in decentralized governance, making it a valuable tool for organizations, community projects, and token-based platforms seeking to harness the power of their members' stakes in decision-making. This project is at the forefront of decentralized governance innovation, bridging the gap between individual and collective action within blockchain communities.

How it's Made

Creating a DelegatedDAO project involves multiple technical steps, primarily on the Ethereum blockchain, using Solidity smart contracts. Here's a detailed explanation of how this project is constructed:

  1. Smart Contract Development:

Membership and Delegation: You begin by defining a smart contract that allows for membership management. Members are stored in a mapping where their addresses map to a struct that includes information like whether they're a member, their shares, and who they've delegated their voting power to. Proposal Structure: Create a struct to represent proposals with fields like the proposal creator, description, voting results (for and against), a flag for execution, and a flag for whether the proposal passed. 2. Membership Management:

The DAO manager, typically the project initiator, can add and remove members. When adding members, you'll update the member's data in the mapping and adjust the totalShares variable accordingly. 3. Delegated Voting:

Members can delegate their voting power to other members. When they do this, you must: Set the delegate address for the delegating member. Update the delegateWeight for the delegate, adding the shares of the delegating member to their own. Remove the delegate's current delegateWeight if they've already been delegated to. 4. Proposal Submission:

Members can submit proposals. These proposals are stored in an array of proposal structs with their respective descriptions and other relevant details. Proposal count is incremented each time a new proposal is submitted. 5. Voting Logic:

Implement the voting mechanism, where members can cast their votes (for or against) on a proposal. The delegate weight of the voter should be considered when calculating the outcome of the vote. 6. Execution of Proposals:

When a proposal passes (having received sufficient votes), you can execute the intended action. This could involve transferring funds, altering smart contract parameters, or performing any other action relevant to the project's objectives. 7. Contract Initialization:

Deploy the DelegatedDAO smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain, with the contract owner (manager) being the project initiator. 8. User Interface (Optional):

Develop a front-end interface, possibly using web3.js or a similar library, to allow users to interact with the smart contract through a user-friendly web application. This UI should facilitate actions such as proposing, voting, and managing memberships. 9. Testing and Security:

Extensive testing and security auditing are vital. Thoroughly test the smart contract to ensure it behaves as intended and is resistant to vulnerabilities. This may involve running automated tests and conducting manual code reviews. 10. Deployment:

Deployed the smart contract to the Scroll and mantle testnet. The success of a DelegatedDAO project lies in its robustness, transparency, and security. It should serve as a mechanism for decentralized decision-making, promoting fair representation of all members and their delegated voting power. Regular maintenance, upgrades, and community engagement are also crucial for the project's sustainability.

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