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DAODemic is a revolutionary platform that bridges the gap between sponsors and students within a dynamic decentralized autonomous organization (DAO).


Created At

ETHGlobal Paris

Project Description

DAODemic is a revolutionary platform that bridges the gap between sponsors and students within a dynamic decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). Our primary objective is to foster meaningful connections and mutual benefits by incentivizing active student participation in various community activities. Through our ecosystem, sponsors can reward dedicated students with exclusive vouchers to attend events, conferences, Internship Opportunities, Mentorship Programs, Access to Tools and Resources. We aim to create a vibrant community where students thrive and sponsors find potential talents, making education a rewarding journey for all.

The traditional education system often faces challenges in effectively connecting sponsors and students, limiting opportunities for valuable collaborations. DAODemic emerges as a transformative solution, enabling sponsors to engage with students on a more personal and impactful level. Our platform empowers sponsors to support aspiring students by providing them with vouchers for attending events and conferences, opening doors to a world of opportunities.

At DAODemic, we believe in rewarding students for their active contributions to the community. By participating in various activities, such as creating content, solving bounties, mentoring peers, and more, students can earn tokens as a recognition of their dedication. These tokens can then be redeemed for exclusive vouchers, providing students with access to a diverse range of educational and professional events.

How it's Made

An ERC20 was designed to create our own token. Our project is built with Linea so that we can implement the Zero-Knowledge technology to create a scaling platform. We used Biconomy to benefit from the Account Abstraction (ERC-4337) and Gasless transactions. This infrastructure allows us to provide users a simplified and better UX. The backend is built in Solidity and Hardhat. The frontend is designed using MUI.

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