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DAOvation catalyzes a new era of transparent, participatory, and equitable governance. Fusing innovative tools with core principles of engagement and privacy, we redefine how communities collaborate and decide together.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

At the heart of the blockchain revolution, DAOvation emerges as a pioneering platform fostering interactions between DAOs and members through community events. Our vision seeks to reshape decision-making dynamics, emphasizing the value of active community participation.

How it works? For DAOs DAOs establish their profiles using platforms such as Aragon or Tally (with additional options on the horizon). Seamless data integration with our Smart contract empowers DAOs to host events for their members and external participants.

Users stake a nominal amount of ETH/MATIC to encourage attendance upon event registration. The smart contract refunds the staked amount to attendees, while unclaimed stakes are allocated to the DAO's account, reinforcing commitment to the event.

For Users Users access DAOvation through an EOA or Polygon ID, offering them two distinct pathways:

Empowering Governance with Dynamic NFTs Enthusiastic participants in cooperative governance register with a DAO address, acquiring dynamic NFTs through our advanced smart contract. These tokens evolve as users engage in a series of events, accumulating voting power in proportion to their active participation.

Ensuring Privacy with Polygon ID Attendee confidentiality is preserved through registration via Polygon ID, guaranteeing user privacy and fostering a secure environment for participation.

How it's Made

Smart Contracts: Harnessing the capabilities of Polygon, our smart contracts meticulously manage event creation, user registration, and reward allocation, ensuring streamlined and secure processes. Dynamic NFTs: Utilizing ERC-721 standards, alongside the precision of Chainlink Automation and Tableland integration, we craft Dynamic NFTs. These tokens evolve organically based on user event participation, reflecting their active engagement within the community. Polygon Integration: Seamlessly connected to the Polygon network, our platform guarantees the efficiency and security of all transactions, providing users with a seamless and reliable experience.

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