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DappStop is a censorship-resistant mobile app distribution platform. Unlike the existing app stores, DappStop empowers creators by removing any form of restrictions on in-app monetization. Everyone will have the freedom to access any of these apps regardless of region!


Created At


Winner of

🎮 Optimism — Optimism Games & NFT Infrastructure

1️⃣9️⃣ IPFS/Filecoin — Top 19

🏗 Polygon — Deployed on Polygon

🥉 Klaytn — Best Use

🥈 Push Protocol — Best Use

Project Description


In Web3, there is no doubt that providing a mobile app experience is important for mass adoption. Existing mobile app stores such as Google Play Store and App Store are monopolising the mobile app market and abuse this by requiring game developers to pay exorbitant fees of close to 30% for any in-app purchase. In addition, they have chances to be banned by those app stores like Axie Infinity.

Mobile applications today can also be pirated on multiple sites today, and this leads to a significant loss in revenue for developers which would potentially deny the world of the next best mobile dApp.

What is DappStop


DappStop is a censorship-resistant mobile app distribution platform supporting multiple EVM chains - Optimism, Klaytn, and Polygon. By utilizing decentralized technology such as Ceramic and IPFS, we make it possible for permissionless uploads and downloads of mobile dApps.

-What’s good for users

Users will have access to more mobile dApps than today, which would otherwise be unavailable due to censorship or region locks. With DappStop, users would have the freedom to access any dApp developed by publishers from all over the world.

-What’s good for dApp publishers

Publishers can distribute mobile apps without having to go through the approval of an exclusive app store, enabling a global reach of potential users all over the world. And they don’t have to pay “tax” unlike using centralized app stores. Publishers can maximize most of their sales into operational funds. With DappStop, publishers are able to create their own ERC1155 and set token-gated dApp for their communities.

How DappStop works

Uploading and Downloading dApps on Dappstop is easy and straightforward.

Steps to Publish dApps :

  1. Go to DappStop
  2. Connect your wallet and create a profile based on ENS
  3. Register the dApp information and upload the APK file to IPFS
  4. (Optional) Sell NFT and make dApp token-gated
  5. Distribute the app

Steps to Install dApps:

  1. Go to DappStop and select dApp to install
  2. Connect your wallet
  3. mint NFT if it’s token-gated
  4. Install dApp

How to update the app version and notify users

Publishers are able to put the updated version of the APK file on DappStop. Once they upload the new version, DappStop will send a notification to users who already installed the app through Push protocol. Users can choose if they would subscribe to the notification by each dApp.

Future works(validating system & token)

-Decentralised App Audit

The current MVP covered the most important aspects of mobile experience delivery, which is the most significant key towards mass adoption. However, it can be greatly improved in terms of security, which is important for practical implementation. DappStop creates a decentralized security validation system with network participants and provides a safe place for users.

The validators in DappStop can stake DaapStop Tokens($DS) in order to provide validating and getting rewards by auditing services for dApp publishers.

DS that is staked in the protocol is subject to a thawing period and can be slashed if Indexers are malicious and serve incorrect data to applications or if they index incorrectly. validators also earn rewards for delegated stakes from Delegators, to contribute to the network.

Validators are selected by a vote by the DS Token Staker. Voters can refer to the number of previous validations and slash counts when selecting validators.

Delegators are network participants who delegate (i.e., "stake") DS to one or more validators. Delegators contribute to securing the DappStop without serving validation tasks. By delegating to Validators, Delegators earn a portion of the validate fees and rewards.

  • Advertisement

DappStop allows publishers to advertise their dApps to users. Advertising fees are paid according to the time spent on the advertisement and are accumulated in the contract. This is implemented in a pay-as-you-go method using Superfluid.

How it's Made

@Polygon & Optimism & Klaytn

We are supporting multiple EVM chains - Optimism, Klaytn, and Polygon. We deploy our NFT mint smart contract for installing token-gated dApp on DappStop on those chains.

@RainbowKit & WalletConnect & Web3Auth & Metamask & Coinbase wallet

We are using WalletConnect, Web3Auth, Metamask, and Coinbase wallet to enable users to log in and interact with our dApp by using RainbowKit. Users are not required to connect with their wallet until they install dApp or purchase NFT for token-gated dApps. It provides users simple and easy-to-understand experiences.

@IPFS & Ceramic Network

We host data of dApps and user profiles on IPFS through ComposeDB by Ceramic Network.

By using ComposeDB, publishers are able to provide updates to their dApps while keeping the download location of their file consistent, which otherwise would be impossible with plain IFPS.

Dappstop utilizes for application file uploads, making dApp files more persistent and censorship-resistant as compared to if they were to be uploaded to a centralized file server.

@The Graph

We use the Graph to create a graph for the dApps published on DappStop.


We use ENS to perform reverse resolution of Ethereum addresses such that it is easier for users to identify legitimate developers.

@Push Protocol

We use Push protocol to notify users that dApps they’ve installed publish a new version, so that users can update them and play them with new features.

@Next.js & Tailwind CSS & DaisyUI & Fleek

The frontend is written in Typescript with Next.js used as the framework, and tailwindcss as well as daisyUI for styling. For the contract interactions, we use wagmi, ethers.js and RainbowKit. For the deployment, we use Fleek, so we don’t depend on the centralized hosting service.

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