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das light

data availability sampling via random sampling of partial blobs from DA nodes

das light

Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Project Description

A light weight approach to data availability sampling where we query DA nodes for partial blobs , verify that the blobs match the commitment and log this activity. This allows lightclients to have insights to blob availability across da nodes. One can discover commitments made to new blobs on mainnet , this action triggers sampling by lightclients.

How it's Made

When new blob commitments are made to mainnet, an event base trigger kickstarts the lightclient. DA nodes have public endpoints hosting blob retrival endpoints, this information is avaliable in smart contract events when the a DA operator registers. Using grpc, we can randomly query multiple nodes for partial blobs stored at the DA node in the current batch. We loop through all the partial blobs available in the batch and verify that the Blob Commitments contains Commitment ,LengthProof and Length. KZG commitments once verified are logged in the lightclient for social consensus during an adversarial event

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