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Marketplace for data analysts. Through a unique reverse auction mechanism, businesses set dashboard prices while analysts bid, ensuring quality analytics at the best rate.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

πŸ₯‰ The Graph β€” Best Use

πŸŠβ€β™‚οΈ UMA - Best Use

πŸŠβ€β™€οΈ Mantle β€” Build on Mantle

🏊 Scroll β€” Pool Prize

Project Description

DashBid operates as a web3-based data dashboard marketplace, utilizing a reverse auction mechanism. Here's the flow: A data client creates an order for an on-chain data dashboard, establishing a maximum budget for the project. Once the order is up, a reverse auction commences, giving analysts (freelancers) the opportunity to propose their price offers that stay below the client's set budget. After all offers are in, the client selects a freelancer based on their price offer, reputation, or a combination of both. Once the freelancer is picked, the auction for that task concludes, and the amount equivalent to the freelancer’s offer is secured in a smart contract. The freelancer then has to deliver the work by the stipulated deadline. Upon successful completion and client's endorsement, the funds are transferred to the analyst. Should any conflicts emerge, either party can activate a dispute resolution process.

DashBid's reverse auction mechanism offers Data Clients cost-efficient solutions, a choice from a pool of skilled analysts, and transparent pricing. For Data Freelancers, it ensures secure payment, allows them to set competitive price points based on their expertise, and aids in building a positive reputation in the marketplace. This model provides a balanced platform optimizing value for both clients and freelancers.

How it's Made

The apllication is deployed on several chains (ScrollSepolia, MantleTestnet, OptimismGoerli). As we want to work with client from all chains the goal is to implement seamless cross-chain payment and data transfer in the future.

Auctions (Projects) will be deployed with our Auction Factory. The set limit for each auction is 48 hours. An auction can be canceled in that time (not after that). In that time users will be able to bid, in a reverted auction process. Which means they have to go lower. After the auction ends, the Cleint can choose an offer based on the price or the reputation of the Analyst.

To rpevent sybil attacks both cleint and analyst have to verify themselves with sismo.

The reputation score of the alnalyst is based on their score from Sismo (inlcuding several web3 and web2) options. Important here is the GItcoin passport as it already covers most of the comment verifiers. Additionally people are receiving tokens when successfully completing a contract which we are using to create a data group to create our own platform score.

After the client has choosen an offer, a workcontract is created, that is using UMAs optimistic oracle V3 for dispute resolution.. Please chek the grafik for the workflow. The template for this was the Sherlock protocol.

All data related to the aution and workcontract is indexed and can be accessed though our subgraph.

Smart contracts were deployed on optimismGoerli, MantleTestnet, and scrollSepolia Testnets. Deployed the auctionFactory contract now on

optimismGoerli: 0x205f24a9C61d5487d230a2791D1303D294fD2cB1

example auctionContract: 0xe963973c63a464844cC641a29139811ab68Fb9Eb

MantleTestnet: 0x9F1Fca06405619692fa941b351d42342df496a26

example auctionContract: 0x82CBeC7A15B2AD04822e0D2AeE19d492f3fBbD7F

scrollSepolia: 0x9F1Fca06405619692fa941b351d42342df496a26

example auctionContract: 0x82CBeC7A15B2AD04822e0D2AeE19d492f3fBbD7F

Mumbai our airdrop contract: 0x205f24a9C61d5487d230a2791D1303D294fD2cB1

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