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An interface for global public to use GHO as their primary token


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Project Description

DeBaGHO is built to give the global public an alternative to the traditional banks. Traditional Banks and the whole world use USD as their primary currency on whose behalf everything is decided, but now with this, the dependence is less and people can use GHO as their primary token to transfer and receive money from people all over the world. Traditional banks also give loans even if they don't possess enough money if the user who has taken the loan cannot repay it. DeBaGHO solves this problem as it gives loan only if there is enough money left to repay atleast 50% of the other users money

How it's Made

This project was built using aave. I used reactjs for the frontend and solidity for smart contracts. Aave contracts were also used to mint GHO. With the help of aave contracts, gho can be minted and then transferred and receoved by the users. After gho is minted, the users transfer it to their friends or anyone.

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