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Decademia is a marketplace for funding, collaborating, and transacting early-stage scientific research.New scientific research projects seeking funding for their research goals are exposed to investors and funds.


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Winner of

🏊‍♂️ Unstoppable — Pool Prize

🏊‍♂️ NFTPort — Pool Prize

Project Description

Decademia is a marketplace for funding, collaborating, and transacting early-stage scientific research. Researchers get to present their research projects, find investors and collaborators and advance their research projects. New scientific research projects seeking funding for their research goals are exposed to investors and funds. Decademia platform infrastructure is built on Polygon enabling researchers and investors full access to the DeFi ecosystem. With the intellectual property NFT (IP-NFT), it enables anybody to share ownership on research projects as well as future outcomes such as IP, royalty rights, data and much more.

How it's Made

Sponsor Integration:

  1. Polygon: The DApp is deployed on Polygon Mumbai Testnet. Find the explorer link below :

  2. IPFS/Filecoin: Researcher's Data, Investor's Data and Project data is stored using IPFS.

  3. NFTPort: NFTPort's API is used to upload project snapshots.

  4. Superfluid: It allows our smart contracts agreements in facilitating a programmed constant cashflow of Decad Tokens to early-stage project investors.

  5. EPNS: Decademia is using EPNS in sending notifications in a platform-agnostic fashion to:

  • Researcher: Project status, essential updates and communication regarding the funding.
  • Investors: Portfolio Updates.
  1. Unstoppable Domain: Accounts are being created via web3-enabled wallets. Unstoppable domains are used to login researchers/investors onto the platform.
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