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Elevate your academic credentials with Decademic's blockchain-powered certification platform.


Created At

ETHGlobal London

Winner of

Arbitrum - Qualifying Arbitrum Submissions

Prize Pool

Worldcoin - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description

Decademic is an innovative platform designed to secure and simplify the issuance, storage, and verification of academic credentials via blockchain technology. The project leverages smart contracts to create tamper-proof digital certificates, making the process of obtaining and sharing academic achievements more efficient and reliable. Users can easily access, manage, and share their credentials with educational institutions, employers, or any entity that requires proof of their educational background.

In fact with decademic everything can be "DIGITALAZIED"

How it's Made

Decademic harnesses cutting-edge blockchain technology to revolutionize academic certification, ZK . Utilizing Ethereum smart contracts, credentials are minted as NFTs, with metadata stored on Filecoin for enduring security. The system seamlessly uploads credentials to Filecoin before minting, ensuring each NFT is linked to an unalterable academic record. This project's frontend interface provides a user-friendly experience for institutions to issue and for recipients to access their credentials, while the backend solidity contracts ensure a robust, decentralized record-keeping on the Ethereum blockchain.

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