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ntroducing our Ethereum-based platform for transparent carbon accounting! Utilizing smart contracts, ERC-20 tokens, and IPFS for secure data, we offer real-time, verifiable carbon impact tracking. Making environmental accountability accessible and reliable.


Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Winner of

Arbitrum - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description


This project is a specialized blockchain-based platform for carbon impact accounting, specifically tailored for submission in the ETHGlobal Hackathon under the UNICEF track. The platform utilizes Ethereum blockchain technology, smart contracts, and various Web3 tools to provide a transparent, immutable, and verifiable system for recording and verifying carbon emissions and reductions.


Utilize Ethereum Blockchain: Leverage Ethereum's robust network for decentralized and secure data handling. Smart Contract Automation: Implement smart contracts for automatic verification and validation of carbon data. Integrate Web3 Technologies: Use Web3 tools for seamless user interaction with the blockchain. Key Features

Ethereum Blockchain: Use Ethereum for its widespread adoption, security, and support for complex smart contracts. ERC-20 Carbon Tokens: Implement ERC-20 tokens to represent carbon credits, enabling trade and tracking. Decentralized Data Storage: Use IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) for decentralized storage of detailed carbon data. Oracles for Real-Time Data: Integrate oracles to fetch real-time environmental data from external sources. Technical Architecture

Smart Contracts: Written in Solidity, these contracts handle data validation, token generation, and transaction processing. Frontend Interface: A React-based web application interfaced with MetaMask for user interaction with Ethereum blockchain. Data Integration: Use Chainlink oracles for external data and integrate with IoT devices for emission tracking. Ethereum Layer 2 Solutions: Implement Layer 2 scaling solutions like Optimism or Arbitrum for enhanced transaction throughput and reduced gas fees. Implementation Phases

Phase 1 - Prototype on Testnet: Develop a prototype on Ethereum's Rinkeby or Ropsten testnet. Phase 2 - Pilot with Layer 2 Integration: Run pilot projects on Layer 2 networks to ensure scalability. Phase 3 - Full-Scale Mainnet Launch: Deploy the platform on the Ethereum mainnet after comprehensive testing. Impact Measurement

On-Chain Analytics: Utilize blockchain explorers and analytics tools to monitor token transactions and smart contract interactions. User Feedback and Surveys: Regularly gather user feedback for improvements and measure satisfaction. Challenges and Solutions

Gas Fees and Scalability: Implement Layer 2 solutions to mitigate high gas fees and scalability issues of Ethereum. Data Veracity: Employ strict smart contract protocols and external audits to ensure data accuracy. Sustainability and Future Roadmap

DAO for Governance: Establish a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) for platform governance and updates. Cross-Chain Compatibility: Explore interoperability with other blockchains for wider adoption. Regular Updates and Community Engagement: Maintain an active development cycle and community involvement for continuous improvement. Conclusion

This Ethereum-based carbon accounting platform for the ETHGlobal Hackathon represents a groundbreaking approach to environmental accountability, blending cutting-edge blockchain technology with the need for transparent and verifiable carbon impact tracking. It's an ambitious project that not only aligns with UNICEF's sustainability goals but also pushes the envelope in blockchain application for social good.

How it's Made

Core Technologies and Architecture

Ethereum Blockchain: The backbone of our platform is the Ethereum blockchain. We chose Ethereum for its robustness, widespread adoption, and extensive support for complex smart contracts, essential for our data validation and carbon credit tokenization. Smart Contracts (Solidity): The core logic of the platform is implemented in smart contracts written in Solidity. These contracts handle the verification of carbon data, issuance of ERC-20 carbon tokens, and the execution of transactions. ERC-20 Carbon Tokens: We utilized the ERC-20 token standard to represent carbon credits. This approach enables easy tracking and trading of carbon credits within the Ethereum ecosystem. Decentralized Storage (IPFS): To store detailed carbon data reports, we integrated IPFS (InterPlanetary File System), ensuring decentralized and tamper-proof data storage. Oracles (Chainlink): Chainlink oracles are used to fetch real-time environmental data from external sources, crucial for accurate carbon emissions tracking. Frontend Interface (React + MetaMask): The user interface is built using React, providing a responsive and intuitive experience. Integration with MetaMask allows users to interact seamlessly with the Ethereum blockchain. Layer 2 Solutions (Optimism/Arbitrum): To tackle Ethereum's high gas fees and scalability issues, we implemented Layer 2 scaling solutions, specifically Optimism and Arbitrum. This choice significantly enhances transaction speed and reduces costs. Integration and Workflow

The smart contracts on Ethereum serve as the operational core. When a user submits carbon data, these contracts validate the data and issue corresponding carbon credits in the form of ERC-20 tokens. IPFS is used to store detailed reports and documentation, which are referenced in the smart contracts, creating an immutable link between the data and the tokens. Chainlink oracles provide real-time external data, ensuring the platform's data reflects current environmental conditions. The React frontend interfaces with Ethereum through MetaMask, allowing users to submit data, view their carbon credits, and participate in the carbon credit market. Notable Hacks and Innovations

Dynamic Token Generation: Our smart contracts dynamically generate carbon tokens based on the quality and quantity of the carbon reduction efforts. This mechanism incentivizes more substantial and effective environmental actions. Automated Verification Process: We've automated much of the data verification process using smart contracts, reducing the need for manual intervention and speeding up the issuance of carbon credits. Hybrid Data Storage Solution: By combining Ethereum's blockchain with IPFS, we've created a hybrid storage solution that maintains the integrity of the blockchain while ensuring detailed data is not cumbersome to store and access. Optimized Layer 2 Integration: Our deliberate choice and implementation of Layer 2 solutions like Optimism and Arbitrum was a critical decision. It not only addresses Ethereum's limitations but also demonstrates the feasibility of large-scale, complex applications on the blockchain. User-Friendly Design: Despite the complexity of the underlying technology, we've focused heavily on user experience, ensuring that the platform is accessible to non-technical users, thereby broadening its appeal and usability. Partner Technologies and Benefits

Ethereum: Provided a secure, decentralized platform for our application. Chainlink: Enhanced the reliability of our platform with real-time, verified external data. IPFS: Offered a decentralized solution for storing detailed carbon data reports. Optimism/Arbitrum: These Layer 2 solutions significantly improved the scalability and cost-effectiveness of our application. In conclusion, the project represents a harmonious blend of several advanced technologies, each playing a crucial role in delivering a comprehensive, user-friendly, and effective carbon accounting platform. Our innovative approach to token generation and data verification, combined with our focus on user experience and scalability, sets our project apart in the realm of blockchain-based environmental solutions.

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