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DecentralAI: Unleashing the power of Web3 DAO communities to collectively own, collaborate, build and share AI applications trustlessly, all without the need for coding, providing data engine solutions for AI businesses via Web3


Created At

HackFS 2023

Winner of

🥉 Ceramic — Best Use

🏆 HackFS 2023 Finalist

Project Description

Introducing DecentralAI: Empowering the Future of AI Decentralization, where we harness the power of Web3 to tackle the most pressing challenges in the AI industry.

[Problem Statement]:

LLM development is confronted with several pressing challenges: according to a recent MIT paper, projections indicate that high-quality language data will be depleted by 2026(, LLM firms resort to risky measures like using ChatGPT for training data, which can lead to potential legal troubles. Furthermore, research from Berkeley( highlights the heavy reliance of LLM models on human feedback for alignment and improvement, exposing the false promises of training models solely on AI-generated data and emphasizing the importance of human-generated data.

Moreover, the problem is exacerbated by big firms collecting our data without permission and lacking fair benefit distribution, discouraging our contributions to AI firms.

AI development thrives with community involvement, yet the community is often sidelined and lacks adequate benefits. We need a solution to break this vicious cycle and create a more inclusive and sustainable AI ecosystem.

[Solution]: DecentralAI is the answer. It uses web3 to allow community ownership of AI applications through DAOs, where data sets and AI apps are built together and governed collectively. DecentralAI not only offers scalable data solutions to businesses but also ensures that financial gains are shared with the community, encouraging their valuable contributions. And the best part? No coding is needed.

[User Journey]: Navigating DecentralAI:

Begin at and sign in with a crypto wallet, such as Metamask. Once inside, the platform offers an exploration of DAOs and apps developed by the community, or an opportunity to create a unique DAO, such as the "OutlierVentureCommunity" DAO.

Each DAO allows contributors to assume various roles: from data contributor to data wizard for engineering tasks, storage provider, human feedback instructor, or even a model host. As a role is taken on, an NFT is minted and transferred to the respective wallet, ensuring secure DAO access.

Adding datasets to the DAO is the next step. Data can be imported from web2 and web3 sources like IPFS and Ceramic. Following the data import, it undergoes preprocessing into embeddings via Balcahaul, is encrypted with Lit, and then stored on IPFS. A notification from Push will arrive once the process is completed.

The creation of a chatbot for the DAO is a simple, code-free process on DecentralAI. Users can configure prompts, variables, and context - even using the datasets just added to the DAO. After configuration, hitting publish makes the chatbot live!

Engaging with the bot requires connecting a wallet to the DAO, with the Lit protocol ensuring secure access. On the API pages, collaborative development is facilitated and API key generation is secured by the Lit protocol.

Chatbots can answer queries such as, "What decentralized AI projects is Base Camp interested in?" After deployment, bots continue to learn and improve via human feedback. In DecentralAI, members can propose human fine-tuning initiatives, and the best responses are chosen using zero-knowledge proof voting. DecentralAI invites everyone to experience the democratization of AI.

[Key Features]:

  1. Community-Driven Data Sourcing: DecentralAI taps into decentralized platforms, sourcing data collectively from a diverse community. This ensures an expansive dataset that powers robust AI models.

  2. Plug-and-Play AI Development: With integrations like Langchain, Chroma, and Dify, we provide an intuitive, no-code platform for building AI tools on-chain. We take care of the tech infrastructure so you can focus on innovation.

  3. Democratized AI Governance: By harnessing the power of DAOs, we offer tools that ensure credible neutrality in AI governance. This gives everyone a fair say in the AI decision-making process.

  4. Harmonized Economic Model: Our unique model creates a symbiotic relationship between centralized AI firms and the decentralized community, fostering cooperation and mutual growth. It's about giving back to the community and incentivizing continuous contribution.

  5. Web3-Powered Architecture: At DecentralAI, we use cutting-edge blockchain and web3 tech to ensure data security, integrity, and transparency. This creates a trustful environment where data is fully protected.

  6. Versatile Data Ingestion: Our platform seamlessly ingests data from both web2 and web3 sources, providing a comprehensive data foundation for advanced AI training and deployment.

  7. Decentralized Learning Enhancement: We implement a decentralized Reinforcement Learning protocol using Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKP), enabling continuous AI improvement while ensuring data privacy. This unique approach empowers contributors to enhance AI models without compromising security.


  • Easy Entry and Inclusivity: We open the doors wide for everyone—from AI enthusiasts to seasoned businesses—welcoming all into our vibrant ecosystem.
  • Enhanced Data Quality: By leveraging the power of the community, we source rich and varied datasets, paving the way for precise and powerful AI models.
  • Community Collaboration: We cultivate a communal space that promotes shared learning and ideation, propelling the advancement of AI technology.

Embark with us on an exhilarating journey into the heart of the AI and machine learning revolution. With DecentralAI, we equip people and organizations with the power of community-sourced data, decentralized networks, and pioneering technology. Together, we'll forge a decentralized tomorrow where AI is not just accessible and inclusive, but also game-changing.

How it's Made

The backend of our platform is deployed on Filecoin VM and EVM, enabling DAO creation. Data can be imported/exported on IPFS via and Ceramic, with encrypted access through the Lit protocol. Balcahaul handles data preprocessing, while the Push protocol notifies job completion. We offer an end-to-end no-code AI solution by integrating with AI tools like Langchain and Chroma, Models are then deployed on Spheron, and zero-knowledge proof voting enables reinforcement learning from human feedback to fine-tune your AI. Businesses can purchase your DAO's AI app or datasets, with revenue directly benefiting and motivating DAO contributors.

Through the incorporation of our sponsors' web3 technology, we have significantly enhanced the decentralization of DecentralAI, effectively countering centralized control.

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