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Decentralised Email

Crypto Price tracker that allows users to track prices for multitude of cryptocurrencies

Decentralised Email

Created At

ETHGlobal Waterloo

Project Description

This project was initially supposed to be an app that connects to a user's wallet and show their assets, tracking their assets, but due to time constraint I switched a more front end and less backend techy web app that just allows users to see the price changes of various crypto currency.

How it's Made

For this project, I built the front-end application with Next.js as the framework. Next.js is a React-based framework that supports server-side rendering, making it ideal for displaying dynamic data. I used the Binance API to get cryptocurrency updates for my Next.js app. The Binance API provides real-time information on cryptocurrency prices, market trends, and other pertinent data. I was able to obtain the necessary data for displaying cryptocurrency changes in my application by utilising this API. In terms of how these technologies were put together, I used Next.js to build the application's overall structure and routing. I used React components within the Next.js components to create the UI elements and render the data retrieved from the Binance API. Since I worked on this project independently, I did not use any sponsor technologies. Instead, I relied on open-source tools and libraries to streamline development. Attending a workshop by XDC provided me with valuable knowledge on utilizing Next.js effectively.

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