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A trading card game, where artist can create card and earn money, and players can enjoy collecting and battling with cards.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

This project is a trading card game (TCG) where players can collect cards and battle against each other. The cards will be created by artists, and the power levels of these cards will be determined through majority voting by the players. Once the evaluation of the cards is complete, they will be added to the game's database.

There are three ways for players to obtain cards. The first method is the "gacha" method, where players will receive a random card for free every day. The second method involves using in-game currency, which players earn by voting on card power levels. They can use this in-game currency to obtain cards. The third method is to purchase cards directly, and the money generated through these purchases will be given to the artists. This approach provides artists with incentives to create more cards for the game.

Through battles using their cards, players can earn in-game currency, which they can subsequently use to purchase additional cards.

How it's Made

I used an Ethereum smart contract to create two contracts: the "decentroMain" contract and the "players" contract. The "decentroMain" contract contains the methods and functionality, while the "players" contract interacts with the main contract to perform these functionalities.

When a player creates an account in the game, the "decentroMain" contract creates a "players" contract and deploys it. The "players" contract uses function calls to interact with the main "decentro" contract for tasks such as obtaining a random card or checking the card database. The "players" contract primarily stores a player's information and tracks their game progress. While I'm not certain if this is the optimal way to implement the system. I had my exams, so I couldn't allocate much time to this project. However, I've decided to submit whatever progress I've made and plan to continue working on this project in the future.

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