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DEEDOO helps course creators get funded and launch profitable courses. It is the first Web3 MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) designed for course creators, investors and students. Investors or backers get a share on each sale students made to course creators


Created At


Winner of

🏗 Polygon — Deployed on Polygon

🥇 Boba Network — Best Use

Project Description

DEEDO is a Descentralized Knowledge Ecosystem that works as the first Web3 MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses).

We have to distinguish between 3 types of stakeholders or users.

The Course Creator, Teacher or Expert: Creates a course on DEEDOO that can be just a scratch idea or a full finished course. He chooses a percentage between 0 and 100 that wants to share with backers. An NFT that identifies the course is then minted on the Polygon Blockchain and given away for free to the Course Creator.

Investors or Backers: Whenever a course is created, a Pool for that course is simultaneously created. Backers then can add liquidity or invest in the courses created, and get an NFT minted on the Polygon Blockchain to represent their investment. DEEDOO calculates a share from all the investments made to each course. This share represents the % each backer will receive for future course sales. Investments works as a pool, so if new investors arrive, the share from previous investors will be diluted.

Students: Students are learners who are willing to consume and buy the courses that teachers have designed. Whenever they buy a course, an Soulbound NFT is minted in the Polygon Blockchain and it represents the license to access the course. This NFT cannot be sold, cause it works as a Soulbound token or a ZK Badge thanks to Sismo modular and open protocol.

How It's Made Tell us about how you built this project; the nitty-gritty details. What technologies did you use? How are they pieced together? If you used sponsor technology how did it benefit your project? Did you do anything particuarly hacky that's notable and worth mentioning? How did you impress yourself which what your team built?

DEEDOO platform consists in 3 smart contracts that interact between them and represent access, ownership and sales share from the online courses uploaded to DEEDOO. The DAPP is built with 3 basic flows for each one of the main stakeholders types. But first Authentication.

We integrated Web3Auth to provide seamless user logins to both mainstream and native Web3 users, Wallet Connect and Worldcoin to extend the options end users have to connect and prepare our DAAP with an extra degree of protection by being sybil resistant.

ENS helps us to resolve ENS names and show their avatars instead of just their wallets.

Expert Flow: 1. Fills Course Details, 2. Approve Free TX to mint course.

Backers Flow: 1. Selects amount of ETH invested or number of NFTs to Mint. 2. Approves TX and mints investment.

Students. 1. Selects course. 2. Approves TX and buys course access.

How it's Made

We created 3 smart contracts published on POLYGON:

  1. One for the TEACHERS in order to publish a course as an NFT
  2. One for a BACKER in order back a course and obtain an NFT representing the amount of his investment
  3. One for the student in order to purchase the access to a course and this is where the money start to flow to TEACHERS and BACKER

The authentications is all inclusive using WORDLCOIN, WALLETCONNECT and Web3Auth.

We incentivize the use of WORLDCOIN for studens in order to track a passport with the skills builded throug the course completion... and the use of WALLET CONECT and WEB3AUTH for most of users to facilitate the access

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