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AI-Powered DeFi Advisor: A secure, user-friendly platform that provides personalized investment advice, risk assessment, and portfolio management. Get real-time insights, track whale activity, and access AI-driven DeFi strategies—all with seamless World ID login.


Created At

Superhack 2024

Winner of

Blockscout - Use Blockscout Block Explorer!

Prize Pool

Project Description

The AI-Powered DeFi Investment Advisor is a platform designed to make decentralized finance (DeFi) investing more accessible and effective. It seamlessly blends AI technology with blockchain to offer users personalized financial advice and automated portfolio management, all in real-time.

At its heart, this platform uses OpenAI's ChatGPT to create a natural, conversational interface. Users can ask straightforward questions like "What are the safest DeFi investments right now?" and get tailored advice based on their unique profile. Beyond just advice, the platform serves as an educational resource, offering interactive tutorials and clear explanations of DeFi concepts, catering to both beginners and seasoned investors.

The platform doesn’t just stop at advice; it provides comprehensive portfolio management. Users have access to a real-time dashboard that gives a clear overview of their DeFi assets, showing performance metrics, risk levels, and historical data. The AI also actively works to optimize portfolios by analyzing market trends and suggesting adjustments to enhance returns while managing risk.

To ensure users are always informed, the platform aggregates news from various sources and applies sentiment analysis to gauge the market mood around specific tokens or projects. This real-time information helps users make well-informed decisions. Security is a top priority, with World ID integration ensuring safe and private login, while robust encryption keeps all user data protected, both during storage and transmission.

This platform is designed to empower users, making DeFi investing smarter, safer, and more accessible to everyone.

How it's Made

Technologies and Integration Overview

Frontend with React: We selected React.js for its flexibility, performance, and robust ecosystem. Its component-based architecture enabled us to create a responsive, dynamic user interface essential for real-time updates like portfolio tracking and news feeds. The React app facilitates user interactions, including navigation, AI advisor consultations, and portfolio viewing, with real-time updates powered by WebSockets.

Backend Services:

  • AI Integration: We integrated OpenAI’s ChatGPT via API to provide AI-driven investment advice, managing context and session data to ensure relevant responses.
  • Portfolio Management: Microservices developed in Express.js handle portfolio analysis, risk assessment, and AI-driven optimization, efficiently processing blockchain API calls, AI outputs, and user data.

Whale Drop Monitoring with Blockscout: We integrated Blockscout's API to monitor large token transactions ("whale drops") that could impact market prices. Alerts for significant whale drops feed into our risk analysis models, advising users on portfolio actions.

User Authentication with World ID: We used World ID for secure, decentralized user authentication. Integrating their SDK into our React app simplified the verification process while ensuring data security.


  • Real-Time Portfolio Updates: Maintaining real-time updates during high blockchain activity was challenging. We addressed this with a combination of WebSockets for significant changes and throttled polling for less critical updates, balancing performance and data load.
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