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DeFormed helps you share forms and surveys for your token-gated, decentralized community


Created At


Winner of

1️⃣9️⃣ IPFS/Filecoin — Top 19

🏗 Polygon — Deployed on Polygon

Project Description

Created by:

  • Isaac Wooden (
  • Tracy Chen (
  • Cody Nguyen (
  • Albert Hu (

Token-based permissions and pseudonymous wallets are eating the world.

There's no easy way to gather information from your token-enabled community. Lack of information is a problem because it becomes difficult to improve and manage your community sentiment, and it's hard to collect key information from your audience.

Introducing: DeFormed, a survey application for your web3 community.

With DeFormed, you can configure token-gated forms, share them with your community, collect responses, and analyze responses based on the respondent's token holdings.

How it works:

  1. Set up a new form or survey
  2. Manage who can respond to the survey based on optional token holding requirements
  3. Send your form for people to fill out
  4. Analyze responses based on the respondent's token holdings

And that's it! You can now collect information and manage your community in a completely decentralized manner.

How it's Made

Technologies used:

  • Alchemy RPC, alchemy-sdk, and Alchemy NFT API for read/writes
  • Web3Auth for web2 and web3 authentication
  • Hardhat, Ethers.js, Web3.js, and Typechain for smart contract workflow
  • Web3.Storage for decentralized storage of form responses
  • Next.js, Tailwind, Material UI for frontend web app

We architected DeFormed using Web3Auth, Web3.Storage, and MintKudos, which allows all kinds of users (even those without wallets), to use these decentralized forms in a fun, useful, and low-cost manner.

The future of digital communities relies on easy-to-use and inclusive tooling. DeWork is here to lead the way.

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