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Reproduce on-chain transactions of smart money wallets without any code


Created At

ETHGlobal Lisbon

Winner of

🏊 Polygon β€” Build on Polygon

🏊 zkBob β€” Pool Prize

Project Description

Reproduce on-chain transactions of smart money wallets without any code. Follow a successful meme coin trader, NFT whale, DeFi farmer, trading fund’s wallets, etc. Degenmove focuses on execution, not on analytics. For the 36-hour timeframe of the hackathon, we have narrowed the big idea to on-chain coins copytrading, focusing on efficient on-chain copytrading execution. MVP user story: As a retail trader, I want to follow DEX trades of a successful trader, so my assets get automatically traded in an efficient way. Lots of assumptions in the MVP.

How it's Made

Used technologies: React front-end, Vault's smart contract built on Solidity using Hardhat.

Sponsor technologies:

  • Swapping using 1inch.
  • Smart contract deployed to Polygon Mainnet: 0xA4E3e5B9f9b9BEcA5019afFaE9f89095091F790F.
  • zkBob wallet address

Sponsor technologies helped us to build and test our project faster.

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