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Here is a cross-chain governance application that enables proposal creation and voting across any blockchain, leveraging GovernorBravo and cost savings on L1 fees


Created At

ETHGlobal London

Winner of

Arbitrum - Qualifying Arbitrum Submissions

Prize Pool

Project Description

Many large projects use GovernorBravo for proposal creation, voting, and execution. We aim to develop a fully cross-chain governance application that enables proposal creation and voting on any chain.

Currently, the L2 invokes the mainnet receiver, which adds the proposal information to Governor Bravo.

This approach will help save on L1 fees and support local governance or enable flexible governance using any of the privacy chains.

Here, we are simulating the simplest Governor Bravo, which has the propose function. After that, the flow in real governance will be the same.

How it's Made

We used eth-scafold-2 for the seed of the application that allows us to use UI as well for invoking smart contracts easily.

UI is a nextjs application and the contracts are deployed using Hardhat

Cross chain messaging happens using

  1. HyperLane
  2. LayerZero
  3. Near

Our main focus was to test it on Arbitrum as it maintains a very nice balance between security and costs.

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