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DelegAI is a AI based delegation tool that reflects the forum community's opinion on this proposals by using the delegators voting power.


Created At

ETHGlobal Paris

Project Description

In many protocols with governance, the only requirement to participate in governance is to be a token holder. This naturally allows a lot of people to participate in governance voting. When it comes to making critical decisions about ecosystems, voting has a crucial role to play. However, voters frequently do not analyze the proposals well enough to vote. A lot of people voting for the governance proposals, relatively few reviews are posted on the proposal comments. This exposes a big problem and threatens the reliability of the decision process.

DelegAI thinks that the users who share ideas in the governance forum should be more represented in the governance process and offers them a voting power. delegAI's algorithm reads all comments on the governance forum and applies sentiment analysis to it, revealing the forum community's opinion on this proposal. It also reflects the proposal analytics using data analysis tools. The data analysis part can always be used for everyone who would like to get more statistical data about the thoughts on the proposal.

The Tool's essential aim is to ensure that the community's opinion is more reflected in the voting process of the proposals that are vital to the ecosystem. Our project's achievements will grow over the following phases, as will its contribution to the active participation of governance.

How it's Made

The tool gets all comments on the proposal from the governance forums via the API.

For sentiment analysis, we use an DistilBERT, an open-source, pre-trained NLP model that works with high accuracy on comments from many previous forum discussions. This tool decides on the vote derived from the forum opinions and uses this information to automatically vote for the proposal. Then we use data analysis tools in order to provide visual results about the statistics for anyone who would like to review.

The voting process is carried out by a DAO contract.

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