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DelegChat is a privacy-preserving gated chat app created to improve communication between delegates & delegators. This app enable confidential communication through end-to-end encryption. Chat access control is token-gated through Sismo with an NFT depending on the delegate.


Created At

ETHGlobal Paris

Project Description

DelegChat enables communication channels between delegates & their delegators. Delegators use Sismo to connect their Data vault including their addresses holding voting power, generate a ZK proof to confirm that voting power has been delegated, and to mint an NFT giving access to the gated channels.

The gated channels are using XMTP and can be represented by two options: 1:1 chat with your delegate (No gating system) XMTP group chat (Gated by delegator NFTs holders)

DelegChat users will also have the ability to activate Push notifications soon. This discussion channels will allow to improve the communication between these parties though several ways:

Delegates can relay new proposals in the group & share their initial voting thoughts Delegators can disagree on the voting intention & communicate it to the delegate Both parties can argument about current topics if needed Delegators don’t need to doxx themselves to their delegates

Delegators NFTs can be minted on Gnosis Chain and on the public address selected by users. To avoid generating a full collection, the NFTs will be generated by Nouns API.

How it's Made

Users who delegated voting power can create a vault & use Sismo Connect to generate the ZK Proof, mint the NFTs & access the gated channels.

When creating the vault, it is recommended to add addresses holding voting power before connecting with Sismo. To generate the ZK Proof, we created Sismo Data groups for Delegates (done manually) & for delegators. Then, we’re using the Karma API ( to make the link between delegators by DAOs & delegates. Users can also put the chain and recipient address on the first page.

Once the proof is generated, and if they have a profile on XMTP, users can mint the NFT generated with the Nouns API, enabling gated access to the chat and activate push notifications, otherwise account creation is needed first. We’re using airstack to fetch if users already have an account.

Finally, users can join the group chat or just start a 1:1 discussion with their delegates.

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