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DeSearch DAO

Empowering the Scientific Community with Decentralized Science (DeSci) with the help of DataDAO

DeSearch DAO

Created At

HackFS 2023

Project Description

Desearch DAO is an innovative project that centers around the concept of decentralized research, exploring unconventional and interdisciplinary approaches to knowledge creation. It challenges traditional notions of research by embracing curiosity-driven exploration, playfulness, and speculative thinking. Desearch DAO aims to foster a collaborative and inclusive environment where participants can freely explore unconventional ideas, challenge established norms, and push the boundaries of traditional research methodologies. Desearch DAO operates as a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) utilizing blockchain technology. Built on platforms such as Ethereum, it leverages the transparency, security, and decentralized governance capabilities provided by the blockchain to enable a vibrant and open ecosystem for the Desearch community.

The features of Desearch DAO: Showcase Page: Desearch DAO provides a showcase page that serves as a public platform where anyone can view the work and research uploaded by researchers. This allows researchers to share their findings and contributions with the broader community, promoting transparency and visibility. Crowdfunding: Desearch DAO incorporates a crowdfunding feature that enables individuals to contribute funds to support research projects. Contributors can choose to donate directly to the DAO's funding pool or allocate their funds to specific researchers or projects of their choice. This crowdfunding mechanism facilitates financial support for Desearch projects, fostering a decentralized and community-driven approach to funding. DAO Membership: To participate as a researcher within Desearch DAO, individuals need to become DAO members. DAO membership provides access to various features and benefits, including the ability to contribute to other researchers' projects, collaborate within the community, and access additional resources and support. Contribution to Other Researchers: Desearch DAO encourages collaboration and knowledge exchange among its members. As a DAO member, researchers can contribute to other researchers' projects by providing feedback, guidance, or even collaborating directly on shared interests. This collaborative environment promotes a sense of community and facilitates interdisciplinary exploration. Research Uploads: Researchers within Desearch DAO have the option to upload their work and research findings. The platform supports both paid and free research options, allowing researchers to choose their preferred distribution models. This flexibility enables researchers to explore alternative funding models or embrace open access principles, depending on their goals and preferences. Quadratic Voting: Desearch DAO incorporates quadratic voting as a decision-making mechanism. Quadratic voting allows participants to allocate votes among different researchers or projects in a non-linear manner. This system gives more weight to individuals who are deeply passionate about a particular research topic, ensuring a fairer representation of preferences and preventing the dominance of a few influential voters. Research Funding: In addition to crowdfunding, Desearch DAO provides funding opportunities for researchers. Through the DAO's financial resources, funds can be allocated to support selected research projects. This funding mechanism aims to provide financial assistance and resources to researchers within the Desearch community, enabling them to pursue their unconventional research endeavors. By combining these features, Desearch DAO strives to create a vibrant and collaborative ecosystem where researchers can freely share their work, receive financial support, engage in interdisciplinary collaboration, and actively contribute to the growth and advancement of Desearch as a unique and unconventional approach to knowledge creation.

How it's Made

Desearch DAO has been built using a combination of various technologies and protocols to create a robust and user-friendly decentralized application (DApp) that empowers researchers to showcase their work and obtain funding. The project incorporates React.js for the frontend, Solidity for smart contract development, and leverages several sponsor technologies to enhance its functionalities. The frontend of Desearch DAO is developed using React.js, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. React.js provides a modular and efficient framework for designing the user-facing components of the DApp, ensuring a smooth and responsive user experience. The smart contract functionality of Desearch DAO is implemented using Solidity, a programming language specifically designed for writing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. Solidity enables the creation of secure and auditable contracts that define the rules and behaviors of the Desearch DAO ecosystem. These smart contracts handle various functions such as crowdfunding, voting, reputation systems, and fund allocation. Sponsor technologies play a crucial role in the overall architecture of Desearch DAO. The project utilizes the Lighthouse protocol for storing PDF files and images related to research projects. This ensures efficient and reliable storage of multimedia content associated with researchers' work. Desearch DAO also leverages the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) for storing and distributing research data and files. IPFS is a peer-to-peer protocol that allows for decentralized file storage, ensuring data availability and resilience. To enhance user engagement and provide real-time updates, Desearch DAO integrates the Push protocol, enabling the platform to send notifications to users regarding important events, such as new research uploads, fund allocations, or collaboration requests. This helps researchers stay informed and connected within the DAO ecosystem. Spheron protocol is utilized for DApp hosting, ensuring seamless deployment and accessibility of Desearch DAO. Spheron provides a decentralized hosting solution that enhances the scalability and availability of the DApp, contributing to a more resilient and decentralized infrastructure. For smart contract deployment, Desearch DAO leverages Filecoin, a decentralized storage network built on blockchain technology. Filecoin's secure and distributed storage capabilities ensure the integrity and accessibility of smart contracts, further enhancing the trustworthiness of the Desearch DAO ecosystem. The combination of these technologies and sponsor protocols has greatly benefited the project. By utilizing React.js for the frontend, Desearch DAO achieves an intuitive and user-friendly interface that encourages researchers to showcase their work and interact with the platform easily. The integration of Lighthouse, IPFS, and Filecoin enables efficient and secure storage of research data and files, ensuring the integrity and availability of researchers' work. The Push protocol facilitates real-time notifications, keeping researchers informed and engaged. Lastly, the utilization of Spheron protocol ensures reliable hosting and accessibility of the Desearch DAO DApp. Throughout the development process, the team behind Desearch DAO aimed to create a platform that is not only technically robust but also user-friendly and encouraging for researchers. They have taken great care to make the platform intuitive and accessible, allowing researchers to showcase their work, obtain funding, collaborate, and engage with the Desearch community effectively.

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