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DeTech detects fraudulent transactions with one click and safeguard your money from crypto scams!


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Project Description

While it’s possible to enjoy the benefits of blockchain and cryptoasset use safely and compliantly, there have been many cases where money has been stolen. According to Statista, in 2018 the value of cryptocurrency theft worldwide was $950 million. In 2020, this was $513 million. Crypto has several features that are attractive to scammers, there’s no bank or other centralised authority to flag suspicious transactions and attempt to stop fraud before it happens. Crypto transfers can’t be reversed – once the money’s gone, there’s no getting it back. And most people are still unfamiliar with how crypto works. These considerations are not unique to crypto transactions, but they all play into the hands of scammers. To overcome this, we have introduced DeTech to detect fraudulent transactions with one click and safeguard your money from crypto scams. Before you sign a transaction, get to know more details about the transaction with the help of our upcoming DeTech plugin and stay safe from fraudulent transactions. Sign only what you want to approve. Our plugin lets you analyse the transaction before paying millions of $$$$ to a scammy DEX or the wrong website. With DeTech you can get an alert before making any fraudulent transaction. This safeguards your wallet from malicious activities thus preventing you from getting scammed.

How it's Made

We are using NestJS for backend where we analyse the transaction object that gets generated from the transactions. We are assigning a certificate as NFT with their score and address which then can be used by any contracts for their need. For now, we are maually enter the transaction object that gets simulated on backed to see what it does and also based on the data that we have, we then return back necessary data such as esn name for the contract, function getting called and what the function does.

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