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dETH legacy

Life has an end, but your digital assets should not. dETH Legacy is your platform that allows management of wills for digital assets. Uses UMA, SAFE, Walletconnect, and is aligned with UNICEF.

dETH legacy

Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Winner of

WalletConnect - Innovation Pool Prize

Prize Pool

UMA - Best use of UMA & Across 3rd Place

Project Description

This project introduces a pioneering blockchain-based system for managing digital assets posthumously. It's designed to ensure the secure and accurate distribution of digital assets, such as cryptocurrencies, following a user's demise. With its robust framework, users can craft a digital will that clearly delineates the allocation of their digital holdings. The platform leverages personal data to generate a secure hash, essential for future authentication processes.

By utilizing smart contracts, enhanced with multi-signature and SAFE (Simple Agreement for Future Equity) technology, the platform guarantees heightened security and reliable execution of the user's directives. The system incorporates the UMA (Universal Market Access) protocol to facilitate external validation of death certificates. These certificates are uploaded to the IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) and safeguarded through a decentralized storage network.

Expanding its scope, the platform offers users the opportunity to make impactful decisions about their assets, ensuring that their final wishes extend beyond just digital assets. Additionally, it offers a compassionate choice for users to contribute to global welfare. Users have the option to either burn their digital tokens or altruistically donate them to various charitable segments with the help of UNICEF, creating a lasting legacy that transcends the digital realm and significantly impacts the world

How it's Made

Personal data (name, birthdate, country) is used to create a hash for identification, which later on has to match the information displayed in the death certificate for verification by the oracles.

Smart Contracts: There are two main contracts:

  1. The dETH main contract, which acts as a registry of wills. Each will will spawn and deploy a dETH Safe Module.
  2. The dETH Safe Module, which is a module for a SAFE. This contains the beneficiaries and splits.

We use SAFE because it is a safe multi-sig wallet, and fits our needs with the modules, which have root access to moving the funds.

To verify death certificates, UMA protocol is used. UMA is a decentralized network of verifiers, which are incentivized to check the validity of a claim. When a family member or person close to the deceased enters the platform, checks that there was a will regisiterd, and uploads the death certificate, it is uplodaded to IPFS, and then its link included in the claim for the UMA verifiers, along with the hashing method used from personal data (name, birthdate, country)...

When a claim is validated, the safe module is unlocked, and functions to distribute the ETH or any tokens in the SAFE can be executed by anyone.

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