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It's an application for divers to keep dive logs on a blockchain.


Created At

ETHGlobal Singapore

Project Description

Scenario 1 - Logging Dives of Diver Divers login with wallet (Metamask) to Diver Mobile App, input dive information and send for Dive master approval.
Dive master also login with wallet (Metamask) to Diver Mobile App, lists pending approvals, then choose apropriate dive record and approve it. After approval dive log is written to the blockchain as a dive record of diver's logbook. Scenario 2 - Top Diver Diver can able to see Top Diver (who has the most log in the blockchain) in the Diver Mobile app.

How it's Made

Scenario 1 - Logging Dives of Diver Divers login with wallet (Metamask) to Diver Mobile App, We use wallet connect with Metamask. Mobile app is developed by flutter/dart (android). Input dive information (diving place from select box and dive master public address. Afterward send data for Dive master approval. (Springboot, mysql)
Dive master also login with wallet (Metamask) to Diver Mobile App,(same app, different user) lists pending approvals, then choose apropriate dive record and approve it. After approval dive log is written to the blockchain as a dive record of diver's logbook. (Sepholia test net, we have a smart contract written by solidity. We use remix ide.

Scenario 2 - Top Diver Diver can able to see Top Diver (who has the most log in the blockchain) in the Diver Mobile app. (Same mobile app) we use The Graph to access and index blockchain data. We define a subgraph, we create and run it. We show the query result on our mobile app.

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