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An application to save your documents and share them safely


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Project Description

This project consists of storing all kinds of files, images, documents, pdf's, etc, that may contain sensitive information or just that you need to stay private and persistent., the app allow you to create shareable directories and upload files with the freedom to decide who can see that document. directories/files are represented by an ERC1155 token and will be encrypted to ensure privacy.

How it's Made

To represent directories/files we will use the ERC 1155 standard so that several people can own a directory. For the storage of the files we will not store them in the blockchain, but we use IPFS to store any and then only have to store a URL. To retrieve data on the front-end, we will develop a subgraph that allows us to be more efficient in queries like, 'How many directories/files does a certain person have access to', 'Who are the people who have access to a certain directory/file' For encryption, we will use a metamask compatible cipher in case we cannot work out a more secure private key escrow method.

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