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It is a project to store the medical history of a patient. At the moment, the website works only on Desktop and is a simple MVP.


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Project Description

The resolution entails developing a website capable of storing a comprehensive range of information, including but not limited to previous surgeries, current medications, immunization records, and family medical history. The ultimate goal of the product is to enable swift access to this information through a quick scan within a mere second.

How it's Made

For the purposes of MVP, the functionality of Web3Storage is leveraged. In simple steps, this is how the app works:

  • Used ConnectKit as wallet solution provider
  • On connecting the wallet, we ask the user to create a profile for which he has to pay gas.
  • The gas is used to store the IPNS key. IPNS key will be a simple pointer to the user's metadata.
  • The user's metadata is simply a json file stored on IPFS.
  • IPFS hash is generated based on the contents of the file. So, everytime the user adds or updates some information, the hash is changed which makes it difficult to track it.
  • To combat that, the IPNS key is stored against the user's address on the contract and everytime the IPFS hash is updated it is published against the IPNS key.
  • Packages:, w3name

There is no backend at the moment. All the data is stored on IPFS and smart contract integrated with the frontend.

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