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We have built an attestation website for developers and the general public to attest their read status and improved base documentation on how to run node and attestation.


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Winner of


🏊 Mode — Prize Pool

Project Description

We have built an attestation website for developers and the general public to attest their read status and improved base documentation on how to run node and attestation.

We also allow the user to share their attested document to their Twitter to invite other developers or users to read. Greatly increase the viral impact of the document.

The base document that I have written is available at

Base document that I have written compose of

  • How to run base node from scratch
  • How attestation on base works

You can try our complete product at

How it's Made

  • We use React, Rainbowkit, and EAS combined to build the attestation workflow
  • We also allow the user to share their attested document to their Twitter to invite other developers or users to read. Greatly increase the viral impact of the document.
  • We write documentation on how to run a base node without docker and attestation in Github Gist
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