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Dollar Chad Average

Private & Capital Efficient [meme]Coin DCAing. There is no third-party risk, since the DCA is executed by a smart contract. The assets that are waiting to be spent are then lent, earning interest until the order executes.

Dollar Chad Average

Created At

ETHGlobal London

Winner of

Arbitrum - Qualifying Arbitrum Submissions

Prize Pool

Project Description

Dollar Chad Average enables users to execute private Dollar-Cost-Average (DCA) buys or sells from their home wallet without fear of being copy-traded. Users also benefit from free transactions while earning interest on their invested amount though LPing. Users then retain the potential to end net positive ("negative gas")-- if the interest on invested liquidity surpasses gas fees incurred.

How it's Made

Dynamic React SDK is used for User on-boarding and authentication methods. The contract is deployed on Base, Arbitrum, Ethereum, and Binance Smart Chain. Users benefit from all upstream Uniswap improvements. It will support Safe accounts v1.4.1 using Safe 4337 Module and Pimlico for Account Abstraction & Sponsorship policies.

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