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Don't Drop the BASE

Don't Drop the BASE is a Farcaster Frame based social game where users pass an NFT (the BASE) to their friends via their ENS name, creating a chain of interactions. The goal is to reach as many people as possible before the timer runs out on the last recipient!

Don't Drop the BASE

Created At

ETHGlobal London

Project Description

This project is frame native, meaning the only place you can play Don't Drop the Base is via a farcaster client or in the contract itself. Don't Drop the Base looks to take advantage of cheap transaction fees on L2s in light of the recent EIP-4844 upgrade. Each pass of 'The BASE' uses a blockchain transaction in a frame to send the NFT to the user entered by the prior holder.

How it's Made

This project uses Frog to create the frame scaffolding, React for styling, and Deployed with Cloudflare. Frames are a very new feature and Frog is even newer, this means there is some development needed to have more developed documentation, but a framework is helpful for testing the look of Frames locally.

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