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Revolutionize Event using crowdfunding with our blockchain app. Users propose, the community votes, and Contributors funds with NFTs , and we enable seamless funding and profit-sharing for physical events. From Pool Parties to Tomorrowland ,place for endless possibilities


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

šŸŠā€ā™‚ļø UMA - Best Use

šŸŠ Scroll ā€” Pool Prize

Project Description

Product Name: DreamStarter: Blockchain Crowdfunding App for Physical Events

Product Description:

Overview: DreamStarter is an innovative blockchain-based crowdfunding app designed for physical events such as football matches, DJ parties, music concerts, and more. It connects two primary actors: Contributors and Event Organizers. This platform empowers users to propose event ideas, vote on their feasibility, and contribute to turning these proposals into live crowdfunding events. Event Organizers can set crowdfunding goals, timeframes, and the stablecoins they wish to accept. The Event Organizer's commitment to the project is staked and can vary based on factors like funding goals, region, and the size of the entity.

There are just have two actors here. Event Organisor and Contributors. Anyone may submit a proposal or refer to it as an idea, and voters will decide how popular it is. Event Organisors will adopt the concept, invest money, and launch a crowdfund smart contract.Contributors will purchase NFTs to support the initiative and monitor project progress via milestones, expenditure tracking, and in-person and online interactions.

There are two different sorts of NFTs that supporters of crowdfunding can purchase.DreamStarter Holder as well as DreamStarter Collab.

DreamStarter Collab denotes an event ticket or an merchandise.DremStarter Holder is an ownership stake in the event, such as if tickets are sold or revenue is made by providing ads.It will be divided out to the contributors who purchased NFTs to support the crowfund.

Key Features:

  1. Proposal Submission and Voting
    • Proposal Creators can submit event proposals, which are broadcasted to all the other users.
    • Proposal Creator can be any Organisation or an Indivual .
    • Users can vote on proposals, indicating how much they want the event to go live and its feasibility.
  2. Crowdfunding Conversion:
    • Proposals that gather sufficient votes can be converted into crowdfunding events.
  3. Event Organization:
    • The proposal submitter becomes the Event Organizer.
    • Event Organizers define the crowdfunding goal, start and end times, and the stablecoins they wish to accept ,NFT price .
  4. Staking Mechanism:
    • Event Organizers must stake 15% to 25% of the crowdfunding goal, determined by various factors.
    • This staked amount acts as a commitment to the project.
  5. Ticket Minting:
    • Once the start time is reached, participants can mint event tickets.
    • There are two types of tickets: DreamStarter Collab (event or merchandise tickets) and DreamStarter Holder (revenue-sharing tickets).
  6. Funding Goal Achievement:
    • After the end time is reached, there are two scenarios:
      • If the crowdfunding goal is not met, both Contributors and Event Organizers can claim back their contributions.
      • If the crowdfunding goal is met, the Event Organizer can withdraw funds without validation, as long as it's less than their staked amount for the first time.
  7. Expense Reporting and Validation:
    • For further rounds, Event Organizers must submit expense reports.
    • There is a validation period of two weeks.
    • If discrepancies are found, disputes can be raised and discussed on social media platforms like Discord.
  8. Dispute Resolution:
    • Users can vote on dispute resolutions.
    • If the vote is against the Event Organizer, contributors can claim back the staked amount and the current reserve of stablecoin holdings in the smart contract. The proposal will be rejected.
  9. Event Evaluation:
    • After the event happened without any issues, a clear flag system evaluates the Event Organizer's performance for DreamStarter Collab.
    • After the clear flag , the event Organisor can unstake there funds
  10. Yield for DreamStarter Holder:
    • For DreamStarter Holder NFTs, Event Organizers return with yields, ensuring NFT holders share in the profits from ticket sales and broadcasting.
  11. Cycle Continuation:
    • Event Organizers can repeat the process, maintaining transparency, accountability, and trust within the DreamStarter community.


  • Empowers individuals and companies to bring their event ideas to life.
  • Ensures commitment and accountability through staking and expense validation.
  • Allows the community to participate and benefit from successful events.
  • Encourages event innovation and creativity in the physical event industry.

DreamStarter is a groundbreaking platform that leverages blockchain technology to revolutionize crowdfunding for physical events, fostering trust and transparency among its users.

How it's Made

  1. Launch Section: ā€¢ Section 1 [Create Proposals/Ideas]: Users can submit their project proposals and ideas. This likely involves a frontend built with Next.js, utilizing Tailwind CSS for styling and TypeScript for type safety. The data is likely managed using GraphQL for efficient data querying and manipulation. ā€¢ Section 2 [Convert Proposals to Crowdfunding Events]: This involves the transformation of proposals into crowdfunding events. The transition from proposal to an active event may include backend logic written in Golang, and the Firebase platform could be used for authentication, real-time updates, and hosting.
  2. Explore Section: ā€¢ Section 1 [Ongoing Proposals]: This section allows users to explore and vote on ongoing project proposals. The frontend, built with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and TypeScript, could be used here, with GraphQL for efficient data retrieval. ā€¢ Section 2 [Crowdfunding Events]: Users can discover active crowdfunding events where NFTs can be purchased to contribute to projects. Similar to other sections, this would involve frontend technologies,Smart Contracts , and likely the Firebase Realtime Database for tracking event details.With two different perspective Event Organisor and Contributor
  3. Dashboard: ā€¢ Section 1 [My Crowdfunding Event NFTs]: Users can track and manage NFTs related to crowdfunding events they've participated in. This requires real-time updates, which Firebase can provide. ā€¢ Section 2 [My Started Events]: Monitoring the number of crowdfunding events initiated might be tied to Golang for backend logic. Important Note: ā€¢ Time limits for creating proposals/ideas and crowdfunding events suggest that you would have implemented some sort of time-based restrictions and event scheduling in your application. Technologies Used:
  4. Frontend: o Next.js: For server-rendered React applications. o Tailwind CSS: For rapid UI development. o TypeScript: For static typing and better developer tooling.
  5. Backend & API: o Golang: For server-side logic. o GraphQL: For querying and manipulating data efficiently. o Firebase: For authentication, real-time updates, and possibly hosting.
  6. Blockchain: o Hardhat: A development environment for Ethereum. o Solidity: For writing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. o TypeScript: For typing and improved development experience. Partner Technologies: While you mentioned Golang and Firebase, you might have also integrated other partner technologies or libraries specific to Golang and Firebase that aid in achieving real-time updates, security, and scalability. Filecoin for Data Storage , Safe for ERC4337 ,Blockchain Network for Polygon,Scroll,Mantle,Fevm . Graph protocol for indexer , Push Protocol for Broadcasting, sDai for stablecoin
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