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Worried about centralized storage companies might sell your data, Use our DCUBE, Now your data is always in your hands... 🥳


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Project Description

This project aims to make user data permanent on internet and secure, no one can access their data except them. first user upload their data on IPFS network and then they save their CID (content identification key) on smart contract in encrypted format. the keys can only be decrypted by the rightful owner who had signed the message in wallet.

How it's Made

I have used next.js framework to build this web app, first it will prompt user to connect his/her wallet and once the wallet is connected user don't have to do it again and again at every refresh or page jump, when ever user will visit my app it will automatically connect the wallet if user have connected it before.

I have used IPFS technology to safely and securely store user data on internet. user have to just upload any file he want's to store then he have to sign a transaction on Ethereum chain to store the CID of data on Ethereum chain in encrypted format, so except user no one else can see the CID on internet.

once done user can go to history and get his/her uploaded data.

I have used hardhat to create an upgradable contract uploaded on Ethereum chain.

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