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Easy to use web3 CMS platform for P2P sales focused on micro-small sale companies. Our innovative approach, anyone can create an EasyBiz, collect payments with QR code via Celo MiniPay and administrate performance anywhere anytime!


Created At

Superhack 2024

Project Description

EasyBiz is a user-friendly web3 Sales & Performance platform designed for micro and small businesses to easily set up online stores. With EasyBiz, anyone can create a sales ticket, accept payments using Celo MiniPay via Payment codes fully displayed OnChain kudos to CeloAlfajores , and manage income from anywhere. Extra detailed info here -->

EasyBiz's design was made for entrepreneurs who know the struggles of having to deal with cash/bank transfers that keep no particular trace in your finances, or even worse, when dealing with small payments being deposited to a particular service soon becomes a nightmare. That's why EasyBiz hands over a simple solution: Payment ID's.

Inspired by Agile Development Boards' Issues, Payment ID's are a hex locator for any payment made towards your account living completely on Blockchain Celo. Anytime you charge a customer you can create a PaymentID (with minimum fees from Celo's infrastructure ♥) to keep track of the payment, with simple and powerful attributes like leaving a description, having a Yes/No value for a fully payed ticket and much more upcoming.

This way, you as a business owner can handle a much safer and shorter tracker for each transaction, and keep an eye on them with our locator found in the same app page. This system is not only simple for you, it's simp´le for clients who are allowed by this system to pay any percentage of the ticket in any number of exhibitions (If customer pays over 100% the contract refunds any coin over 100%) making this a simple yet strong way to make P2P deals with customers.

Proudly designed and working demo is available to test via MiniPay in Opera Mini Beta app , focusing on UI/UX simple aesthetic visuals and harnessing the Celo Alfajore Testnet for payments. Just Try it! You can right now create payment IDs, anyone (with balance in Alfajore Testnet) can pay for any amount in the tickets generated, and also you can check how much is due in any ticket!

Lastly, with this project I believe web3 mass adoption must come from a mobile approach, so this design and functionalities were planned to be as "mobile-first" as possible (Feel free to test it on small screens or Smartphones! [Torus Knots look awesome on FHD screens])

EasyBiz, It’s perfect for micro/small businesses looking to streamline sales and track performance on the go harnessing the power of web3 technology. Main objectives: Simple, secure, easy and free built for today’s XXI century fast paced ecosystem.

How it's Made

This project is built using as principal partner Celo (Minipay). Main objective of the project was to develop an onchain system to track purchase tickets efficiently, so for the demo Celo Stack was heavily used. Main technology involved in the project are Celo MiniPay implementation and Celo Alfajore Contract Deployment. Contract is a rather simple yet optimized contract in which any person can leave tickets to charge money from anywhere in CELO tokens. These "tickets" have a tracker hexcode called "PaymentID" and an object metadata, which helps users to track what is happening with each excercise of payment. Contract Address: 0xc7F16a4c321FA2baDA883c10487Ea87Af78afB8e Main Webpage contains three sections for 3 objectives mentioned: To create a payment ticket, to pay a payment ticket and to check open payment tickets by address. Simple design mobile-first approach, made by simple buttons and textboxes. Buttons connect directly via Wagmi/viem to Celo Alfajore and consume/interact with contract in order to find or post information on demand. Celo Composer Kit was not forked but rather used as inspiration and couple snippets were borrowed to make the production demo, all compliant with qualification requirements :) Webapp was built with React.js stack from T3 create-t3-app Typescript (Next.js + TailwindCSS + DaisyUI). Alpha demo deploy is hosted on Netlify for comfort, thanks a lot for the appreciation and any questions will be answered at any times :)

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