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A web3 based learning platform that incentivizes both the learners and the content creators in real time.


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Winner of

🏊‍♂️ Connext — Pool Prize

🏊‍♂️ NFTPort — Pool Prize

🏊‍♂️ Tableland — Pool Prize

🏊‍♂️ Valist — Pool Prize

🏊‍♂️ Superfluid — Pool Prize

Project Description

Problem Statement

Learner's drop out rate is up by 67 % with most of them leaving due to a lack of Motivation and engaging content. We need to fix this problem by focusing on ways to Motivate the users ,Personalise and Reward their learning journey. For Course Creators, Inability to influence learners behavior and delayed payments. For Platform, expensive to onboard new learners and attract new Course Creators.

Our solution

We created a dApp that can connect learner and content creator together to achieve learning goals, that can create business impact for the organization. Content creator can signup, create courses, assign reward for courses. Learners can signup, purchase and learn the courses, take assessment and earn rewards in USDCx super token. Learners can unwrap the token to stable coin and withdraw to their exchange account.

How it's Made

We were very fortunate enough to learn and implement various sponsor tech into our product. Summarized the tech and how we applied it in our Ed3Zapp product as follows.

  • Ed3zapp-core - Smart contracts incorporating business logics
  • Ed3zapp-ui - Next.js/TypeScript/Materio-ui based frontend dApp
  • SuperFluid - For real time streaming rewards based on Programmable Cashflows
  • Sequence - Hassle free on-board of Web2/Web3 users
  • Polygon - Easy, Cheap and quickest L2 solution for deploying contracts
  • IPFS - Storage Platform for video and assesment questions
  • Tableland - Composable data storage for Web3
  • NFTPort - Easy and gasless minting of NFTs
  • Covalent - Learners and Content Dashboard analytics
  • Connext - Bridging ERC-20 tokens from other chains to purchase course
  • UI - Next.js, React, HTML/Tailwind CSS
  • Smart Contracts - Solidity, USDCx/USD contract/ABI from Mumbai testnet
  • Programmable Cashflow - SuperFluid
  • Backend - TypeScript
  • IPFS - Storing and retrieving assessment questions/videos
  • Testnet - Mumbai Polygon, Ethereum Goerli, Opti-Goerli, Ethereum Ropsten
  • Tools - Truffle, Remix, Metamask
  • Product publishing platform - Valist
  • Art Design - Adobe PhotoShop, Adobe Illustrator
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