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Job Platform, where Domain Experts support juniors to get their first job by staking ETH on them. Experts will receive money whenever a junior earns money. Juniors will get credentials and goodwill while seniors help onboard new dev and earn some money while doing so.


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Winner of

🏊‍♂️ Superfluid — Pool Prize

Project Description

The biggest problem we see today in the web3 space or in the whole tech space is that juniors who have no prior professional work experience are not getting the job they deserve. Juniors having ample technical skills and Proof-of-work, contributed to open source and DAOs also faces this problem. So we decided to solve this by developing EDEN dapp.

EDEN Dapp allows juniors to create profile in our dapp, adding all the details (open source contribution, education, POW NFT, tech stack and so on). They can share this profile with companies and domain experts / seniors. When you contribute to open source or DAOs, you meet many seniors who are top of their game. Those seniors can vouch for you that he/she knows what they are talking about and deserve this role. Those seniors now literally put their money on their words. Many seniors can stake on the same junior.

Junior can create a Trust contract in our dapp. Trust contract basically allow seniors/domain experts (who have some reputation in tech/ web3 space) to stake their money on junior. Junior will pre-decide the percentage and number of gigs, he/she willing to give to senior for backing him/her.

Whenever a junior gets a job or gig, a predefined percentage will be given to the senior for backing him. This way Seniors could earn extra money and Juniors get jobs and gigs. Web3 needs to on-board junior web3 devs because exciting 6574 devs can't build the web3 ecosystem we are dreaming about.

Another feature, When the junior has completed the number of pre-defined gigs. He can free himself of the staking bond by removing all the seniors from his trust contract and seniors will get back their staking amount.

How does our platform earn money? When 12 weeks have passed and junior does not get a pre-defined gig/job completed then we have the right to take away stake amount of seniors and send it to the trust factory contract.

This is just a MVP but we will add Tokenazation and promote features in later version. We are ready and willing to take this product from testnet to Mainnet.

How it's Made

This project uses factory smart contract (TrustFactory.sol) to deploy trust smart contract (Trust.sol) which gives us the freedom to create as many smart contracts as we want. We are using @superFluid to create a money stream to pay out salary to contributors like us. Rainbow kit is used to connect the wallet with our dApp. Deployed on @Polygon test network Mumbai. Uses @QuickNode RPC Node provider for RPC Node

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