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Edit Stars

Edit Stars is a monetizing platform for video edit makers. It utilizes community tokens for incentivization and FVM's DataDAO concept for video uploads and data availability.

Edit Stars

Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Winner of

Chiliz - Sportfi Project 3rd Place

IPFS & Filecoin - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Scroll - Deploy on Scroll

Prize Pool

Project Description

Edit Stars monetizes video edit makers in 3 concepts: quadratic funding, competitions and through Edit Stars DataDAO. Edit Stars Platform has lots of categories for video edit makers to submit their content. After uploading the content to Filecoin using platform's DataDAO, Edit Makers can be tipped by the users who appreciate the content, later to be matched from matching pool. QF round lasts for 1 week, after it ends a new one starts. For competitions part, organizations such as sports clubs, NFT communities, DAOs or any possible organization can create a video edit making contest by rewarding with the token they choose, such as fan tokens or any other. After the creation of the round, all edit makers who have signed into Push Protocol Notification channel of Edit Stars gets a notification. For the DataDAO incentivization, since the content is available at the DataDAO, if any user want to access a file, they pay in $FIL. Therefore DataDAO earns revenue and reward the edit maker with tokens of DataDAO.

How it's Made

We have used Solidity to write our Quadratic Funding round and Competition contract. Filecoin Virtual Machine for DataDAO creation. We have deployed on various platforms using Hardhat. We have used React and Next.js for frontend. RainbowKit for wallet connections. Infura for RPC providers.

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