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Emeth,a revolutionary decentralized and onchain KYC service for secure nodes on multiple blockchains. Utilizing Filecoin for private KYC storage and Worldcoin's proof of humanity, it seamlessly integrates React Native and Solidity, offering an easy-to-use App for user KYC.


Created At

ETHGlobal Paris

Winner of

🏊 Worldcoin — Pool Prize

Project Description

"Emeth," an innovative decentralized and onchain KYC service that offers assurance to institutions and users when utilizing a decentralized node that has undergone KYC verification. This process ensures that they are utilizing a secure and dependable node with optimal uptime while preserving the fundamental essence of decentralization in the blockchain. Consequently, they are not obliged to use centralized RPC services like Infura or Alchemy.

Emeth operates on various blockchains and relies on Filecoin for storing and safeguarding private KYC data. Additionally, it incorporates Worldcoin, a technology based on the proof of humanity, ensuring that the individual operating the node is genuinely a human being.

The implementation of React Native and Solidity ensures a seamless integration, while the availability of a dedicated Android App further simplifies the KYC process for users (although, regrettably, the app is still under development due to time constraints).

How it's Made

After using decentralized rpc to test our smart contracts, we started wondering what would happen if we encountered a malicious node - it would be a big problem. So, we decided to implement a KYC process to identify individuals running malicious nodes. We've written the API and configuration scripts in JavaScript, the app in Java, and the website in React Native. It was great event, we learnt lot of things. And got incredible memories.

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