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Employment Attestation

An app that verifies your employment history through Ethereum Attestation Service. Employers would be able to provide attestations with employee metadata, and query for attestations to any given employee.

Employment Attestation

Created At

ETHGlobal Waterloo

Project Description

The basis of this project consists of using the Ethereum Attestation Services which would allow employers to check and verify easily an upcoming employee candidate's work history. This would mean that the work history would need to be attested to by the company or companies that the employee worked at before. This is where we come in as the Dapp that we've assembled is mainly from the employer's perspective allowing them to attest to an employee currently working with them or asking for proofs which are hashes that would be On-Chain but private at the same time which can be voluntarily revealed by the employee upon request. Employers have the ability to check and verify the work history of the employee by searching for attestations to the employee's address. This brings up a list of the attestations made towards the employee by their previous employers.

How it's Made

This project uses Ethereum Attestation Services. (EAS) SDK found on their github to provide the smart contract that our dapp uses. RainbowKit was used to connect to the user's account and Wagmi was used to interact with the smart contracts. The schema created was made on the schema creation tool on EAS' dapp to push it onto sepolia. A GraphQL endpoint from EAS was used to fetch attestations given a recipient's address. The attestations were automatically sorted by the Verification Schema. It should be noted that some of these features were not fully implemented due to roadblocks along the way.

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