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ENS Bounties

An ENS bounty to improve by adding gasless CCIP support

ENS Bounties

Created At

ETHGlobal London

Winner of

ENS - Best contribution to an open source library

Project Description

Add gasless CCIP support to, ie, resolves

Tried to add CCIP to go-ens but didn't have enough time to learn go and also implement CCIP. Had a bit of weirdness with an existing go-ens implementation for ENSIP-10; I thought it was just a misimplementation but it turns out UniversalRouter is a real, official ENS contract.

How it's Made

Forked, not really that much more to it to be honest. But, just reimplementing mostly from the Rust implementation.

Learned a lot about Pytest/Go — both tech I haven't used before. Learning go during a hackathon and trying to make a prod contribution was probably a bit too ambitious to be honest. Getting a working go test and pytest run took a surprising amount of time; especially with python on ARM.

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