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ENS Snap

App to create Push Notifications when it's time to snap up expired ENS Domains

ENS Snap

Created At


Winner of

🥈 ENS — Best Use

🏊‍♂️ ENS — Pool Prize

✨ Push Protocol — Runner Up

🕸 The Graph — 🥈 Best Use of Existing Subgraph

Project Description

Are you tired of having dozens of useless ENS reminders in your Calander? Don't waste more time and use this Python Script to query ENS Data via The Graph and create your own Push Channel to get notifications for ONLY those ENS domains which are no longer in the grace period / have no more premium.

How it's Made

The project uses The Graph Explorer (via Subgrounds) to query ENS domains, including their expiry date. A python script calculates the expected date, when the grace period is over and the date, when premium is zero.

The script then creates the payload for a Push Channel and executes a Javascript file, so subscribed users get the information about the upcoming Snap (register the domain) in their inbox / phone notification.

This benefits all ENS collectors that no longer have to check over and over again, if an ENS domain has been expended.

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