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Equilibra offers a unique approach to fund distribution through conviction voting


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

Equilibra is a groundbreaking project that aims to revolutionize funds distribution within decentralized organizations. We identified two critical issues in the current landscape: project outcomes being determined solely by popularity and a lack of certainty among contributors about a project's evolution. To address these challenges, Equilibra has developed an omnichain and multi-token crowdfunding platform that empowers users to distribute their voting power across multiple projects.

The project's value proposition lies in its unique approach to funds distribution. Unlike traditional funding systems, Equilibra goes beyond the simple accumulation of votes. Instead, it implements the conviction voting algorithm, which takes into account sustained support and money streams to provide a more accurate representation of community conviction. This ensures that projects with consistent stacking over time are given priority, rather than those simply with the most votes.

By catering to three distinct user categories - DAOs/pools, token holders, and projects - Equilibra offers a range of benefits. DAOs gain access to a secure and reliable fund deposit mechanism, while token holders can efficiently distribute their voting power among various projects. Projects, on the other hand, are evaluated based on the quality of their proposals, with user support growing in influence over time. This approach fosters a focus on progress and dedication, offering more opportunities for positive outcomes as long as the community perceives commitment and advancement.

The team members of Equilibra have a diverse range of backgrounds and expertise. With full-stack web developers, UX/UI designers, and experienced project managers, we have assembled a strong team capable of delivering on our vision.

The long-term vision of Equilibra is to establish itself as the leading funds distribution ecosystem within the web3 space. By targeting a wide array of DAOs and positioning itself as the preferred funds platform, Equilibra aims to reshape the funding landscape in decentralized organizations.

While Equilibra has a clear roadmap and milestones, we acknowledges that adoption and engagement within the decentralized community may pose a significant challenge. To overcome this obstacle, we developed a comprehensive adoption strategy, focusing on partnerships, user-friendly interfaces, transparency, and iterative development based on user feedback.

In conclusion, Equilibra is an innovative project that seeks to revolutionize funds distribution in decentralized organizations. With its unique approach to conviction voting, continuous fund transfers, and the integration of novel technologies, Equilibra has the potential to reshape the way projects are funded and supported within the web3 ecosystem

How it's Made

In terms of technology, Equilibra leverages novel concepts such as Conviction Voting, Superfluid, and the Safe architecture. Conviction voting goes beyond the simple accumulation of votes, considering sustained support and money streams. Superfluid enables continuous fund transfers, ensuring ongoing support for projects. The Safe architecture provides a secure and efficient infrastructure for the project's contracts and operations.

The platform sees potential in addressing other use cases, such as awards distribution in hackathons, where the organization could create a pool and judges distribute their voting power based on their conviction.

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