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Eth Maintenance

Developers tools to enable preventive and reactive maintenance of industrial grade machine using iot devices, sensors and Ethereum blockcahin, Web3 ecosystem tools

Eth Maintenance

Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

đŸ„‡ Filecoin & IPFS — Best Use

🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

Developers tools to enable preventive and reactive maintenance of industrial grade machine using iot devices, sensors and Ethereum blockcahin, Web3 ecosystem tools.

Execution: Preventive, Proactive and Reactive Maintenance, Refurbishment of industrial grade machine on Ethereum blockchain using UMA, Scroll, Filecoin, Polygon zkEVM and Safe Account Abstraction SDK, Uniswap, Tableland, Web3 Ecosystem tools.

There are 2 key features of our solution:

  1. Web3 Transform: For digitizing maintenance pipeline forms, analyzing data, and automating maintenance workflows.

  2. Web3 Monitor Anaywhere: For developers building cross-platform monitoring dapps using sensors and oscilloscope with low code while retaining dapp core principles and flexibility.

Automated workflow:

  1. Input Data gateway: DataDAO using FVM and Data Cleaning on Scroll

  2. Public Industrial Goods Demand Forecasting using Polygon zkEVM, Safe SDK and Uniswap DEX's LP widgets for asset pricing and management.

  3. Lending of spare parts using SparkLend, Compound governance and deployment on Scroll, Polygon

  4. Verification and settling of data using UMA and FVM;

  5. ABC Analysis of spare parts and requirements for public goods order generation on Polygon; Asset Pricing using Uniswap and SQL like management using Tableland.

  6. Public goods management on polygon, multi currency wallet using

  7. Polygon ID verification for asset manager, control center and SKUs

Levels planning and final order generation, verification using UMA

How it's Made

We utilize the SAP UI5, Fiori platform, Polygon zkEVM blockchain and Safe Account Abstraction SDK, Sparklend and Sparks' Conduit, IPFS/Filecoin via FVM and Lilypad, widgets for Uniswap LP Operations, Scroll, Tableland to built the platform solution along with Compound governance protocol for enabling scaling via Scroll rollup technology. We also utilized Ethereum blockchain for developing a decentralized rating and review system for vendors used by infrastructure service providers.

UMA: We are using UMA's KPI options + Superfluid as a token streaming protocol that lets factory users and consumers create streams of tokens fluidly between addresses. This will enable effective incentivization, management and communication setup for service/repair organizations utilized in Operations and Maintenance. We are extending UMA’s KPI Options with Superfluid’s streaming tokens: Perpetual Conditional Rewards (PCR) tokens that combine Superfluid’s programmable cashflows with UMA’s KPI option concepts. Service Users and administrators would receive immediate benefits and feedback based on how that KPI was doing. Immediate feedback like this would be highly motivating.

Filecoin Virtual Machine (FVM): FVM enables us to use building blocks exposed through interfaces, enabling the construction of incident archiving solutions. This improves better outcomes for monitoring, incident reporting, precision maintenance. We are using FVM for:

Creating a Service Ticket NFT on the FVM for NFC tags of service and repair providers to improve incident management, decentralized NFT-based voting system for contract work by service providers, Votes are uploaded to IPFS with the most recent vote linking to one before.

Decentralized NFT-based voting system for contract work for service & maintenance providers and companies. DAOs can issue NFTs to wallets based on service and maintenance performance and work completed, and the holders of these NFTs can create proposals and vote on other proposals whilst they have the NFTs of that contract work.

To develop and use composable blocks and ensure effective design, engineering and delivery of a decentralized solution for machine monitoring and incident management using Ethereum & Filecoin eco-system tools. Automated Workflow for decentralized voting for service providers and DAO.

Tableland: We are using Tableland for implementing incident notes maintained by machine administrators. Please visit Incident Notes powered by Tableland at the github repo link.

Get Log Events by Contract Address: to get log events like sold/listed nft for NFC tags/NFC Tags of machines on marketplace.

Get Log Events by Incident Types: to get log data for specific incident event along with its metadata

Get NFT External Metadata: To get metadata for NFT like attribute and snapshot images.

Scroll: Scroll enables hyper scalability of the Ethereum network, leveraging roll-up technology and a decentralized data availability layer to increase efficiency and performance in the industrial iot ecosystem, all while reducing fees and latency. We are developing tools and plugins for the green credits platform for heavy industrial machines along with an alarm viewer dapp. The alarm viewer can be used in case a industrial machines' quarterly pollution check is due or has not been completed one week before the penalty set by the government authorities. This alarm viewer can be further extended by the developers to build community tools, analytics and visualization tooling by adding features like pollution check performance ratings and raising alarms and notifications when the registry of an industrial machine to operate in a region expires (example: 15 years for petrol fuel machines and 10 years for diesel fuel small scale machines in Delhi). The alarm viewer application can also be extended for the use case where the pollution testing equipment does not give optimal results, which is very much true when a machine has been used for more than 45,000 hours.

We are using Polygon zkEVM to develop a platform where government authorities linked with Environment Ministy, Pollution Control department like Water Pollution Monitoring, check control department, Municipality portal can issue, manage and transfer credits of ratings earned by factory owners and their respective heavy industrial machinery via pollution checks, green fuel adoption in machines. This is especially useful for heavy industrial machinery parts managed by the government for public goods delivery (Example: GeM portal goods in India) where co-incentives can be provided to contract organizations for good performance in pollution checks, green fuel adoption (switching away from diesel fuel to liquid hydrogen). The workflow is as follows:

Industry/Machine role creation procedure; Machines identification with NFC tags; Create credits of ratings earned via pollution checks, green fuel assets; Issue green credits for machines via pollution checks by Environment Ministry, Pollution Control department like Water Pollution check control; List green credits per heavy machine; Handle multiple heavy machinery. Safe Account Abstraction SDK and Polygon zkEVM:

ZK Incident Witness Generation tool for Eth-Maintenance using Safe Account Abstraction SDK and Polygon zkEVM: We are developing ZK Incident Witness Generation tool for machinery maintenance using Safe Account Abstraction SDK and Polygon zkEVM. Account Abstraction SDK enables customization of verification logic via plugins with a rule/logic setting, tabulation, organization, visualization tool namely SocialCalc spreadsheet dapp on Polygon zkEVM. This allows users to set up rules which their account has to abide by when executing transactions while being able to reconfigure them in the future. The process improves account security by restricting permissions certain keys have while remaining adaptable to the user's changing needs. Implementation areas of Account Abstraction plugins:

Enforcing a spending limit for vital machine assets based on the key used for the transaction.

Restricting interaction with a certain citizen wallet or DAO dApp to a specific key.

Defining session keys, which are allowed to initiate service or repair transactions for only a limited period of time.

Gasless Transactions: Giving free transactions to citizen developers, journalists, volunteers sharing anonymized report or incident data of industrial plants: We are extending OpenGSN to enable 0 transaction fees for volunteers sharing anonymized report data using PyTorch or Scikit libraries.

Attestation Hub Contract for Machine Incident Reports: We are extending the Attestation Station smart contract to develop the Attestation Hub smart contract for Machine Incident Reports.

Spark: ZK SparkLend wallet supports operations like the signing of the transaction and other cryptographic operations across multiple platforms and blockchains that improve the overall usability and interoperability using SparkLend, Conduits and MakerDAO features. We used Zokrates for building the ZK SparkLend Wallet.

Cross chain lending platform using SparkLend: We can supply collateral and borrow sDAI tokens from a satellite chain to a fork of Ethereum's mainnet using Spark Conduits and SparkLend. Web3 Service Dashboard on Spark to enable third party service and repair organizations to keep track of all the details of their assets, DeFi investments, sDAI transactions and also displays DAO data using a data visualization chart. We are building our solution on top of an existing web3 dashboard system and are planning to integrate an analytics, tabulation and collaboration tool namely EtherCalc.

MakerDAO developer tooling for providing government subsidies for greener fuel and pollution check credits. Government organizations can send sDAI crypto from source-chain to destination-chain and distribute it equally among all accounts specified for subsidy or reimbursement using call contract with sDAI token.

Hooks for LP operations of Uniswap v2 and v3: We are developing BOS widgets that serve as pluggable hooks for LP operations of Uniswap v2 and v3 that can be extended and embedded in Eth Maintenance dapp.

Hooks for Uniswap v2 in Eth Maintenance:

Get Historical Token Prices: To get price of token for currency that accept spare machine parts NFT/item on marketplace. Uniswap analytics for optimal inventory pricing and order management. Web3 Service Dashboard on Spark to enable third party service and repair organizations to keep track of all the details of their assets, DeFi investments, transactions across all multiple chains and also displays DAO data using a data visualization chart. We are building our solution on top of an existing web3 dashboard system and are planning to integrate an analytics, tabulation and collaboration tool namely EtherCalc.

Compound Protocol: Cross chain lending platform using Compound protocol. We can supply collateral and borrow tokens for preventive, reactive and pro-active maintenance from a satellite chain to a fork of Ethereum's mainnet using Compound Protocol. Web3 DeFi Dashboard to enable third party service and repair organizations to keep track of all the details of their assets, DeFi investments, transactions across all multiple chains and also displays DAO data using a data visualization chart. We are building our solution on top of an existing web3 dashboard system and are planning to integrate an analytics, tabulation and collaboration tool namely EtherCalc.

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