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An easier way to split bills with your friends in less than 3 clicks. Split any EVM chain transaction with simply inputting ENS/ERC-20 addresses. With EPNS Notifs, your friends receive notifications as you create requests!


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Winner of

🥈 Covalent — Best Use

🏊‍♂️ XMTP — Pool Prize

Project Description

Eth-Split is a transaction splitter for any EVM chain transaction that lets users connect their wallet (Metamask, Wallet Connect and more) and seamlessly select a previous transaction made by the user and create bill requests from any other ENS/Address.

Connectkit Library is used to provide easy access to any mobile wallet thereby improving UX. Covalent API is used to fetch Blockchain data. The app immediately fetches all the send type transactions the connect user wallet has done.

ENS Resolvers are also used to simplify user experience within the app to create the bill splitting.

Flow: The user will be prompted to connect their wallet and after that, the transactions are fetched using Covalent API. Then the user can pick a transaction and type in any number of input addresses to split the bill with. The bill value can be split equally or separately. As soon as the request is created, Push notification is sent to the requested addresses to make sure the user pays the bill.

The dashboard also lists down the bills pending for a selected user. The user can pay the outstanding bill in a single click!

How it's Made

Application is built completely using the decentralised tools available.

Connectkit greatly reduced the ground up time to setup the wallet connections.


Crucial Requirements for the App was the blockchain data which was made available seamlessly by CovalentHQ. The Covalent API made it so easy to fetch data with very minimal latency which is again very important for the application to perform good. Without the blockchain data, this application may never be great and Covalent is the important piece of the puzzle. Using the Covalent API were simple as well so it took less time and gave more time to concentrate on what data we required for the app.

EPNS Protocol:

Our application greatly depends on communication between users whenever a new payment request is created. We used EPNS frontend SDK to send gasless notification from our application whenever user creates a request. The transaction creator requests a bill and simultaneously the recipients receive a push notifications which has CTA links that point to the app where they can simply pay the bill. Everything was made possible by EPNS Protocol. The integration part was so smooth and documentation stands at a top notch.

XMTP Protocol: Bill Splitting app needs a easier way to chat with the recipients to discuss on the transaction value and stuff. Relay Receiver by XMTP Network greatly helped us achieve the same.

ENS : ENS names are used to make addresses more readable to humans . App mainly deals with addresses so integrated ENS.

We built the app from scratch (as a noob) in less than 20 hours which we feel as an achievement already. Looking to develop and add more features to the application moving forward.

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